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Analog Panel Discussion at DesignCon

Analog Panel Discussion at DesignCon
by Daniel Payne on 01-20-2012 at 7:59 pm

DesignCon is coming up and the panel discussions look very interesting this year. The one panel session that I recommend most is called, “Analog and Mixed-Signal Design and Verification” which is moderated by Brian Bailey, one of my former Mentor Graphics buddies and fellow Oregonian.

Here is who you will see on the Panel from both industry and EDA sides:

I’ve met Jeff Miller at DAC before, and met Navraj Nandra when he worked at Barcelona Design and I was consulting in EDA.

Here’s a description of what to expect at the panel:

It seems as if analog was almost a thing of the past. Designs converted analog signals into digital as quickly as they could, leaving only small amounts of analog off-chip. But today that analog circuitry has come on-chip. Radio’s and high-speed communications are now fully integrated, power saving schemes are adding new types of analog content, signal integrity and high-speed issues often require analog analysis, and these are demanding better tools and flows to handle the mixed-signal aspects of a design. In addition, there are some parts of a design that operate at speeds greater than digital is capable of. With better tools, will the percentage of the chip consumed by analog increase again? Will the shrinking geometries cause even greater difficulties for analog?

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 at 3:45PM to 5PM in Ballroom F

Attend DesignCon to learn more about analog and even ask the tough questions of these EDA, IP and Semi people.

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