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Low Power Design

Low Power Design
by Paul McLellan on 05-16-2014 at 9:08 pm

 So you want to do a low power design. Join the club. Who doesn’t? Today all designs are low power, it is the biggest constraint on what we can do on a chip. Power down; power domains, variable clock rates, mixed Vt libraries. Every trick is needed. And that is not even enough. We get to put our phones on charge each evening and there are people out there wanting their internet of things (IoT) to last a week. Or a month! Or forever.

[TABLE] cellspacing=”30″
| [TABLE] cellspacing=”1″ style=”border: 1px solid #ccc”
| colspan=”4″ |
| colspan=”2″ style=”text-align: right” |
|- style=”font-weight: bold; background: #ffb51e”
| style=”width: 36%” | Title / Audience
| style=”width: 9%” | Date
| style=”width: 9%” | Time
| style=”width: 6%” | Duration
| style=”width: 20%” | Moderator / Company
| style=”width: 20%” | Speaker / Company
| Title:
Full-Custom Low Power Design Methodology with MunEDA WiCkeD

Circuit designers, project leaders and managers responsible for analog/RF low power design
| style=”white-space: nowrap” | 2014-05-19
| style=”white-space: nowrap” | 08:30 BST
09:30 CEST
13:00 IST
15:30 CST
16:30 JST
| 01:00
| style=”text-align: center” |
Dr. Marat Yakupov
| style=”text-align: center” |
Dr. Marat Yakupov
|- style=”font-weight: bold; background: #ccc”
| colspan=”6″ style=”padding: 2px” | Description
| colspan=”6″ | Low power consumption is a major design objective of integrated circuits for mobile and battery-driven applications. Particularly analog/RF designers must balance complex and difficult trade-offs between various circuit performance metrics, robustness, and power consumption. In this webinar we show how MunEDA’s circuit sizing and analysis tool suite WiCkeD helps the analog designer achieve better design results in a shorter time. Basics of analog low power circuit sizing methodology will be discussed, as well as practical circuit applications.


So it all depends on what sort of design you are doing. Big digital block, lots of clock gating and stuff. But a big analog block. Not so quick. But MunEDA has a webinar to help you.

Analog/RF designers must balance complex and difficult trade-offs between various circuit performance metrics, robustness, and power consumption. In this webinar they show how MunEDA’s circuit sizing and analysis tool suite WiCkeD helps the analog designer achieve better design results in a shorter time. Basics of analog low power circuit sizing methodology will be discussed, as well as practical circuit applications.

Who knew state of the art design could be so wicked? Or WiCkeD. OK, that is the most weird capitalization I’ve ever seen.

 Anyway, MunEDA has this webinar coming up on all this stuff. Wicked is actually a tool suite for nominal and statistical design. Which is basically design, these days. If you are in an advanced process there is simply a lot of stuff you simply can’t ignore. And for analog design the possible errors are so large that you need to look at this stuff whatever process generation you are using.

The webinar is titled Full-Custom Low Power Design Methodology with MunEDA WiCkeD and is presented by Marat Yapupov from MunEDA in Mun (that would be Germany). It is at 9.30am European time which is 3.30pm or 4.30pm in Asia. Sorry Californians, you don’t want to know the time in your area (OK it is half an hour after midnight).

The registration page is here.

More articles by Paul McLellan…

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