Keysight webinar 800x100
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Samsung 2019 Technology Day Recap!

Samsung 2019 Technology Day Recap!
by Daniel Nenni on 11-01-2019 at 6:00 am

Samsung is a complicated company with a VERY long history. We attempted to capture the Samsung Experience in chapter 8 of our book “Mobile Unleashed: The Origin and Evolution of ARM Processors In Our Devices”. If you are a registered SemiWiki member you can download a free PDF copy in our Books section.

Here is the chapter 8 … Read More

TSMC Update Q3 2019 Absolutely!

TSMC Update Q3 2019 Absolutely!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-25-2019 at 6:00 am

This will be a combination of the recent TSMC quarterly report, a look back at Cliff Hou’s keynote at the most recent TSMC conference, and conversations on There has been a lot of press on this but of course the most important points are being missed. Semiconductors are complicated and getting more so, absolutely.… Read More

GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Arm Showcase Broad Range of Partnership

GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Arm Showcase Broad Range of Partnership
by Randy Smith on 10-21-2019 at 10:00 am

I previously blogged on the GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) Technology Conference (GTC) held in Santa Clara, CA. The main takeaway that I shared in that blog was that GF’s announced “pivot” to a specialty foundry announced over a year ago, including its decision not to pursue 7nm and smaller nodes, appears to be working and GF is gaining momentum.… Read More

ASML – In Line Qtr but big bookings – Logic Strong! Memory ? EUV?

ASML – In Line Qtr but big bookings – Logic Strong! Memory ? EUV?
by Robert Maire on 10-20-2019 at 6:00 am

ASML in line QTR with big Orders
Near term slippage w long term upside
Logic is strong but memory recovery unknown
EUV is finally a reality/commercialized

In line quarter- supplier slippage expected in Q4
Results were revenues of Euro 3B and EPS of Euro 1.49, more or less in line with earnings estimate if a tad bit light in revenue. … Read More

TSMC – Solid Q3 Beat Guide- 5G Driver – Big Capex Bump – Flawless Execution

TSMC – Solid Q3 Beat Guide- 5G Driver – Big Capex Bump – Flawless Execution
by Robert Maire on 10-19-2019 at 6:00 am

TSMC puts up solid QTR, Capex increase for 5NM and capacity increase, 5G/mobile remains driver- HPC good 7NM, 27% of revs- Very nice margins!

In line quarter-Good guide
TSMC reported revenues of $9.4B and EPS of $0.62 , more or less in line with expectations, perhaps a touch below ” whisper” expectations which had been… Read More

My Top Three Reasons to Attend IEDM 2019

My Top Three Reasons to Attend IEDM 2019
by Scotten Jones on 10-11-2019 at 6:10 am

The International Electron Devices Meeting is a premier event to learn about the latest in semiconductor process technology. Held every year in early December is San Francisco this years conference will be held  from Decembers 7th through December 11th. You can learn more about the conference at their web site here.

This is a must… Read More

A Future Vision for 3D Heterogeneous Packaging

A Future Vision for 3D Heterogeneous Packaging
by Daniel Nenni on 10-07-2019 at 6:00 am

At the recent Open Innovation Platform® Ecosystem Forum in Santa Clara, TSMC provided an enlightening look into the future of heterogeneous packaging technology.  Although the term chiplet packaging is often used to describe the integration of multiple silicon die of potentially widely-varying functionality, this article… Read More

A Review of TSMC’s OIP Ecosystem

A Review of TSMC’s OIP Ecosystem
by Daniel Nenni on 10-06-2019 at 10:00 am

Each year, TSMC conducts two events – the Technology symposium in the Spring and the Open Innovation Platform (OIP) ® Ecosystem Forum in the Fall.  Yet, what is the OIP ecosystem?  What does it encompass?  And, how does the program differentiate TSMC from other foundries?  At the recent OIP Forum in Santa Clara, Suk Lee, Senior Director,… Read More

The GF Pivot, Specialization Defined

The GF Pivot, Specialization Defined
by Randy Smith on 10-04-2019 at 6:00 am

On August 27, 2018, GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) announced that they were no longer going to compete in the race to the next smaller semiconductor node, at that time, the 7nm node. While surprising to some, on further analysis this move made sense. TSMC had announced its plan to invest around $25B in the 5nm technology node. GF revenue is … Read More

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Ready for IPO in 2022?

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Ready for IPO in 2022?
by Daniel Nenni on 09-28-2019 at 6:00 am

Hard to believe but it’s the 10th anniversary of Globalfoundries. What a journey this has been. It truly has been an honor to work with GF over the years as they invested many billions of dollars in the fabless semiconductor ecosystem and added a colorful chapter in semiconductor history, absolutely.

We have written hundreds of … Read More