While I missed ANSYS (and indeed everyone else) at DAC this year, I was able to attend the ANSYS Innovation Conference last week at the Santa Clara Convention Center. My primary purpose for being there was to listen to a talk by eSilicon which I’ll get to shortly, but before that I sat through a very interesting presentation on the growing… Read More
Tag: hpc
TSMC Technologies for Mobile and HPC
During TSMC 2018 Technology Symposium, Dr. B.J. Woo, TSMC VP of Business Development presented market trends in the area of mobile applications and HPC computing as well as shared TSMC progress in making breakthrough efforts in the technology offerings to serve these two market segments.
Both 5G and AI are taking the center stage… Read More
Achronix Momentum Building with Revenue Growth, Product/Staff Expansion, New HQ
5G Wireless, Network Acceleration, Data centers, Machine Learning, Compression, Encryption fueling the Growth
Building on its increasing momentum, Achronix Semiconductor Corporation held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Tuesday, April 25, with the presence of Santa Clara’s Mayor Lisa Gillmor, customers, and partners, employees… Read More
IoT Designs Beginning to Shift to 7nm: Promises Upside for Cadence Physically-Aware Design Flow
Until recently, ICs at bleeding edge nodes like 7nm technology from foundries like TSMC were mostly targeted for high-performance-computing (HPC) and mobile applications or possibly high radix switches that needed the increased performance of advanced nodes. The momentum of Moore’s law and Moore-than-Moore saw foundries… Read More
Aldec and High-Performance Computing
Aldec continues to claim a bigger seat at the table, most recently in their attendance at SC17, the supercomputing conference hosted last month in Denver. I’m really not sure how to categorize Aldec now. EDA company seems to miss the mark by a wide margin. Prototyping company? Perhaps, though they have a much stronger focus on end-applications… Read More
A Self-Contained Software-Driven Prototype
You’re building an IP, subsystem or SoC and you want to use a prototype together with a software testbench to drive extensive validation testing. I’m not talking here about the software running on the IP/SoC processor(s); the testbench should wrap around the whole DUT. This is a very common requirement. The standard approach to… Read More
TSMC Design Platforms Driving Next-Gen Applications
Coming up is the 23rd annual TSMC Technology Symposium where you can get first-hand updates on advanced and specialty technologies, advanced backend capabilities, future development plans, and network with hundreds of TSMC’s customers and partners. This year the Silicon Valley event kicks off at the Santa Clara Convention… Read More
CEO Interview: Marie Semeria of LETI
Laboratoire d’électronique des technologies de l’information (LETI) is a French research center, affiliate to the CEA (Commisariat a l’Energie Atomique). Since LETI creation in 1967, this affiliation has two consequences, the money was flowing from the deep pocket of the atomic industry to sustain advanced … Read More
ARM gets wider and more flexible in vectors
ARM has a storied history of announcing major architecture changes at conferences far in advance of product implementations to get their ecosystem moving. At Hot Chips 2016, their sights are set on revamping the ARMv8-A architecture for a new generation of server and high-performance computing parallelism with a preview of … Read More
RISC-V opens for business with SiFive Freedom
When we talk about open source, free usually comes in the context of “freedom”, not as in “free beer”, and open IP often serves as a base layer of value add for commercialization. The creators of the RISC-V instruction set, now working at startup SiFive, have released specifications for their aptly-named Freedom processor IP cores… Read More