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Search results

  1. B

    Do Quantum Computers Have a Serious Flaw?

    Once they can assemble enough qubits. Still expecting to need ~1000 physical per logical qubit for error correction. So we still seem to be a long way from practical applications
  2. B

    Do Quantum Computers Have a Serious Flaw?

    Arthur - quantum behavior is a mind-bending domain in which I'm not sure anyone has a handle on objective reality. Early on, the Copenhagen interpretation simply declared that we should "shut up and calculate". In other words, don't try to discern a reality, just run the equations. After about a...
  3. B

    What can hardware designers learn from the software world?

    There is sometimes tension in hardware design about software design practices - "They (software people) are sloppy in design which is why their code is always buggy. We (hardware people) are much more careful and rigorous which is why our devices have few problems." There's an element of truth...
  4. B

    VLSI Design Methodology Development Webinar Replay and Follow up Q&A!

    I'm significantly unqualified to say much on this topic, especially since Tom's understanding of these topics, especially around VLSI implementation, is massively deeper than mine. That said, from my limited perspective the book covers all the advanced topics that I know to be relevant and...
  5. B

    SemiWiki 2.0 is up

    Well worth it. Modern look and easier to use
  6. B

    A dose of reality for unicorns and their kin

    Few of us would disagree that the unicorns are running into problems. The concept has been amped-up, particularly through blitz-scaling, to become (I would argue) an entirely artificial financial vehicle, more or less designed to be unloaded on a gullible public in a fast IPO. Investors liked...
  7. B

    A new low in tech business babble

    Apple gets “a lot of optionality by working on the perception stack,” from Exclusive: Apple in talks with potential suppliers of sensors for self-driving cars - sources - Reuters
  8. B

    Google hiring chip designers in Bengaluru

    SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Alphabet Inc's Google has hired more than a dozen microchip engineers in Bengaluru, India, in recent months and plans to rapidly add more, according to LinkedIn profiles, job postings and two industry executives, as the search firm expands its program to design the guts...
  9. B

    Cadence, others partner with Facebook to build machine learning ecosystem

    (September 13th post) Today, we are announcing the next steps in Facebook’s efforts to build a hardware ecosystem for machine learning (ML) through partner support of the Glow compiler. We’re pleased to announce that Cadence, Esperanto, Intel, Marvell, and Qualcomm Technologies Inc, a subsidiary...
  10. B

    Holographic video conferencing

    The next big step in video-conferencing - holographic projections of participants, which makes the big flat-screen version look kinda lame. Still in the lab, but how long will it be before this makes into the mainstream? And does this mean you'll have to dress up when videoconferencing form your...
  11. B

    Another aging reminder

    Remember the Apple battery fiasco? It's not just them or just phones. All electronics ages. Latest case in point - inverters aging in Toyota Priuses or rather the solder joints under those inverters are aging. Which led Toyota to update software (sound familiar?) to reduce demand on those...
  12. B

    IKEA and the limits of AI

    An entertaining article in the Economist on robots trained to assemble a piece of IKEA furniture and the light this sheds on how far AI has yet to go before the rise of the robot overlords. BTW, "Kamprad" is (or rather was) Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA. IKEA furniture and the limits of...
  13. B

    ZTE - a penalty or accelerating independence?

    The recent ban on sales to ZTE, while no doubt a problem for ZTE, seems to have encouraged the Chinese to accelerate efforts to become independent of US chip makers. You could argue they were headed there anyway but presumably US chip makers would have reaped revenues/profits in the meantime and...
  14. B

    Semi stocks down on soft demand for smartphones, maybe more?

    Reuters report, TSMC down on reduced demand from Apple, Intel down, semi index .SOX down Apple, Philip Morris, chip stocks lead Wall Street slide | Reuters
  15. B

    The Economist on autonomous cars

    Economist viewpoints are always carefully researched and thoughtful. Here they point out the advantages of autonomy, also some of the potential unintended consequences. Best of all (in my view) they add a historical perspective, something often sadly lacking in many techno-utopian viewpoints (or...
  16. B

    Why I hope the BCOM attempt to merge with QCOM fails

    Very personal reason, nothing to do with the business merits (mostly). I have been bombarded with calls, every night, wanting to get me to vote on this. I guess I must own QCOM stock somewhere. This is a hyper-aggressive campaign to intimidate stockholders into voting, apparently in BCOM...
  17. B

    Don't know whether to be happy or terrified

    AWS acquires a company spun out of the NSA, apparently to help intelligence service use cloud computing with high levels of security. What could possibly go wrong?