Getting Ready for Bluetooth-5 Verification

Getting Ready for Bluetooth-5 Verification
by Bernard Murphy on 01-13-2017 at 7:00 am

Bluetooth has been very successful for many years, but arguably trapped in a niche, at least for us consumers, as a short-range wireless alternative to a wire connection – to connect your phone to a car or speakers for example. (In fairness I should add that the 4.2 version has improved range and Bluetooth has already become quite … Read More

Webinar: Hassle-Free Bluetooth 5 SoC Design

Webinar: Hassle-Free Bluetooth 5 SoC Design
by Bernard Murphy on 01-05-2017 at 7:00 am

Bluetooth has always been a popular communication protocol for short-range applications, but now anticipating BT5 it’s really moving into the big leagues as a significant option for IoT applications. The new standard combines ultra-low power with significantly higher range and higher performance. Ultra-low power is always… Read More

Flexible IoT Wireless

Flexible IoT Wireless
by Bernard Murphy on 11-11-2016 at 7:00 am

There’s been quite a bit of debate about what is the “best” wireless option for the IoT, coming down usually in favor of there being no single best option. Applications are so widely varied that different solutions are needed to ideally fit different requirements. However, IoT economics require we settle on a limited set of options,… Read More

4 Reasons for Bluetooth 5 Adoption in IoT

4 Reasons for Bluetooth 5 Adoption in IoT
by Eric Esteve on 08-21-2016 at 4:25 am

IoT devices have to be connected but power consumption is usually a real concern. If you think about wearables, like for example fitness wristbands, the time between charges could make or break the product. Even if Wi-Fi looks attractive to connect an IoT device, the system developers have quickly realize that the power consumption… Read More

Radio Integration – the Benefits of Built-In

Radio Integration – the Benefits of Built-In
by Bernard Murphy on 08-05-2016 at 7:00 am

It’s always a pleasure when a vendor gives a really informative, vendor-independent presentation on what’s happening in some domain of the industry and wraps up with (by that point) a well-deserved summary of that vendor’ solutions in that space. Ron Lowman did just that at the Linley conference on Mobile and Wearables, where … Read More

Self-contained low power Wi-Fi IP for IoT apps

Self-contained low power Wi-Fi IP for IoT apps
by Don Dingee on 04-13-2016 at 4:00 pm

The emerging theme of fit-for-purpose IoT parts gained yet another perspective, this time with ARM and CEVA chiming in on a low-power Wi-Fi approach outlined in a new webinar. It was a rather unique event with an abbreviated 25-minute presentation and an extended 35-minute Q&A that added a lot of insight.… Read More

CEVA Royalty Revenues in 2015 Supports Future IoT Design Win

CEVA Royalty Revenues in 2015 Supports Future IoT Design Win
by Eric Esteve on 12-07-2015 at 7:00 am

DSP IP addressing modem for the mobile phone market is still the flagship product and CEVA enjoys design-win at major semiconductor account (one of them being vertical and also selling the smartphone), but the acquisition of Riviera Waves in 2014 has been a strong sign of diversification. CEVA’ port-folio includes signal processing… Read More

5 uses of Bluetooth Smart Technology that you didn’t know!

5 uses of Bluetooth Smart Technology that you didn’t know!
by Daniel Nenni on 09-26-2015 at 7:00 am

Ever wondered why they named the most universal wireless technology Bluetooth? Apparently it was named after a 10[SUP]th[/SUP] century Danish King named Harald Blåtand whose nickname was Bluetooth because one of his teeth was blue. King Bluetooth’s claim to fame is that he helped peacefully unite Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.… Read More

What is Casio’s Strategy for Smartwatch

What is Casio’s Strategy for Smartwatch
by Pawan Fangaria on 09-21-2015 at 7:00 am

Although many traditional watch smarties have remained in business since centuries, Casio can be attributed to be the modern dark horse of digital watches who entered the watch market in 1974 when the wave of digital watches had just started; not many could survive for long but Casio is still there in that segment. Casio had gathered… Read More

CEVA in More than 6 Billion Chips!

CEVA in More than 6 Billion Chips!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-05-2015 at 8:00 pm

One of the IP companies that I track is CEVA, the largest licensor of DSP cores. CEVA is the fifth largest IP company behind ARM, Synopsys, Imagination Technologies, and Cadence (Lattice acquired Silicon Image). CEVA is actually a combination of companies which started with the DSP Group and Parthus Technologies in 2002 and RiveriasWaves… Read More