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Search results

  1. D

    Intel goes after deep learning pioneer Nervana Systems

    The folks from CEVA recently mentioned Nervana Systems in a reference to algorithmic ImageNet classification error rates surpassing humans. Intel has stepped in with an offer to acquire Nervana Systems: Intel + Nervana - Nervana Looks like a combined algorithm and cloud infrastructure play...
  2. D

    Administration going to bat for Apple in EU

    If there are any questions over how powerful the US tech lobby has become, consider this development: U.S. Treasury Chief Lew Set for Apple Tax Showdown With EU - Bloomberg "[Treasury Secretary] Lew has contacted Vestager urging her to avoid ordering any collection of back taxes from Apple...
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    NASA heads for rad-hard ARM

    A final solicitation has been issued for a 4 year program under the High Performance Spaceflight Computing Processor Chiplet program, requesting a rad-hard ARM Cortex-A53 core with Serial RapidIO interfaces. Air Force, NASA to develop radiation-hardened ARM processor for next-generation space...
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    Out of chaos comes more LPWANs

    I sat in on a session by Ingenu last night. Interesting company, they have Andrew Viterbi sitting on their board of directors. They are the only one of the major LPWAN solutions talking about 2.4 GHz. Plus side: Coverage of a metro is cost-effective - Austin done in only 8 towers Throughput is...
  5. D

    The IoT is not a game, Atari

    The issue that will make or break the IoT is trust. Paradoxically, at the beginning of the cycle, distrust rules because of the connectivity issues. Many vendors adopted ZigBee early, but they used a private (proprietary) profile so they didn't interoperate and were in theory less penetrable...
  6. D

    CTIA survey highlights explosive US wireless data growth

    CTIA has just released its 2015 update to the Annual (US) Wireless Industry Survey: Annual Wireless Industry Survey Several nuggets of joy in there, keep in mind this is US data only: - the headline of 10 trillion MB of data, actual figure 9.65T more than doubled over 2014 - wireless-only...
  7. D

    ARM buys into embedded vision with Apical acquisition

    ARM has a tendency to favor UK-based companies (not exclusively, but favor) when they go out looking for acquisitions. It seems every SoC maker is hot on the trail of embedded vision processing IP right now. ARM had $350M reasons to go out and acquire Apical...
  8. D

    ITRS getting a reboot

    Several of us, myself included, have been pounding on the idea that the value in semiconductors is now systems-level design, and there is likely to be an influx of non-chip companies in the next round creating differentiated designs. For five decades, the long-term process roadmap for the...
  9. D

    Intel cancels SoFIA, Broxton

    Ouch! Mentioned at the tail of another thread, but I thought I'd elevate the discussion. This puts an end to my speculation that Intel would eventually team up with Microsoft to release a Windows 10 Mobile phone. The lack of anything from them at MWC and the departure of Aicha Evans are now a...
  10. D

    Don't look now, but Nokia is back ...

    ... and it's not in mobile phones. Nokia to buy digital health firm Withings for $191 million | Re/code Withings is one of the more recognized brands in digital health, particularly for its Wi-Fi digital scale. Nokia has a stated goal to get back in a consumer business, not just stay in the...
  11. D

    Apple is "outdated" says LeEco CEO

    A couple interesting things in these comments by LeEco CEO Jia Yueting: First, he is questioning the whole app-centric strategy. I wrote a piece a couple years ago on the "cloudphone", using HTML5 to get into...
  12. D

    The new hottest commodity on the planet

    The term "white petroleum" kinda says it all. This is the new technology battleground. Just as the Middle East controlled oil for 80 years, it looks like power may shift toward Argentina for lithium. Tesla, tech icons scramble for lithium as prices double I like it, I'm not gonna crack ...
  13. D

    Zuckerberg outlines quasi-political agenda in roadmap

    We've seen the tech lobby gaining more and more power recently, and Mark Zuckerberg just took it to another level. In his keynote at the f8 developer conference, the Facebook CEO laid out a 10-year roadmap to "give everyone the power to share anything with anyone". Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg...
  14. D

    Revolv hubs are bricks on May 15th

    Apparently, the Revolv smart hub and "Works with Nest" are incompatible - Nest is completely shutting down Revolv, including disabling existing hubs and apps, on May 15th. Google's Nest closing smart-home company Revolv, bricking devices - Business Insider Is this the Internet of Temporary...
  15. D

    Apple teams up with MLB

    Several recent commenters have asked about Apple's iPad strategy and aiming more for business. Apple has a deal with IBM for enterprise apps. This just crossed my desk and could really raise Apple's profile with baseball fans: MLB, Apple bring iPad Pro into dugout | I'm wondering if...
  16. D

    New Apple customer letter on backdoor

    This has all the signs of being a watershed issue for technology firms now and far into the future. On this one, I stand with Apple. Customer Letter - Apple
  17. D

    ARMH now at 78B chips, auto demand exploding

    ARM's 2015 numbers are out. $1.488B revenue up 15%, profits up 24% year over year. 4B cores in 4Q alone! We really understated things when we said "60B chips and counting" in our book. And there's more coming. On the cable biz channel tour this morning, Simon Segars is projecting automotive...
  18. D

    MCHP snatches ATML

    Microchip pays $3.6B to get Atmel, who jilts Dialog Semiconductor at the altar for a termination fee of $137M. With a recent dive in Dialog stock, Atmel investors fared better in the new deal, and Atmel CEO Steven Laub sees more opportunity for upside with Microchip...
  19. D

    Moto, more or less

    Brands are such a touchy subject. I remember sitting in a marcom meeting in the late 1990s at Motorola. "Never, ever shorten the brand to MOT (the stock symbol) or Moto." Succumbing to market pressure and more experienced consumer media voices, the Moto shorthand was finally adopted in the...
  20. D

    Qualcomm royalties, now and later

    Andy Rooney once famously said, "Anything makes the price of everything go up. Nothing makes the price of anything go down." That's apparently not true for Qualcomm. The recent Chinese deal has everyone thinking there is inexorable downward pressure on royalties that dim future prospects. I...