Keysight webinar 800x100
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Keeping Pace With 5nm Heartbeat

Keeping Pace With 5nm Heartbeat
by Alex Tan on 07-23-2018 at 12:00 pm

A Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) gives design a heartbeat. Despite its minute footprint, it has many purposes such as being part of the clock generation circuits, on-chip digital temperature sensor, process control monitoring in the scribe-line or as baseline circuitry to facilitate an effective measurement of the design’s power… Read More

FDSOI Status and Roadmap

FDSOI Status and Roadmap
by Scotten Jones on 07-23-2018 at 7:00 am

FDSOI is gaining traction in the market place. At their foundry forum in May, Samsung announced they have 17 FDSOI products in high volume manufacturing (you can read Tom Dilliger’s write up of the Samsung Foundry Forum here). At SEMICON West in July, GLOBALFOUNDRIES (GF) announced FDSOI design wins worth $2 billion dollars in … Read More

SEMICON West – Soitec is becoming a key enabler

SEMICON West – Soitec is becoming a key enabler
by Scotten Jones on 07-22-2018 at 7:00 am

A variety of growing and emerging segments of the semiconductor industry rely on Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) wafers. Soitec is the primary source for SOI wafers particularly on 300mm. On Tuesday at SEMICON I got to sit down with Bernard Aspar, Soitec’s Executive Vice President, Communication & Power BU and Christophe… Read More

SEMICON West Intel 10nm and GF 7nm Update

SEMICON West Intel 10nm and GF 7nm Update
by Daniel Nenni on 07-18-2018 at 7:00 am

SEMICON West seemed a little slow last week but maybe it was just me. I’m sure SEMI will come out with record breaking numbers but I did not see it in the exhibit hall (see the video). What I did see was hundreds of exhibitors but I had no idea what they did. San Francisco again was very congested and smelly. I talked to a friend who is in public… Read More

Morris Chang and Me

Morris Chang and Me
by Sunit Rikhi on 07-04-2018 at 12:00 pm

Legend has it that in 1984, Morris Chang was approached by a friend who was looking for money to buy equipment for manufacturing his electronic chip designs. Morris told him to do more homework. When his friend did not return, Morris reached out to him. His friend, it turned out, did not need the money after all. He had found another … Read More

IITC – Imec Presents Copper, Cobalt and Ruthenium Interconnect Results

IITC – Imec Presents Copper, Cobalt and Ruthenium Interconnect Results
by Scotten Jones on 07-02-2018 at 12:00 pm

The IEEE Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC): Advanced Metallization Conference was held June 4th through 7th in Santa Clara. Imec presented multiple papers on comparing copper, cobalt and ruthenium interconnect. One paper in particular caught my eye: Marleen H. van der Veen, # N. Heylen, O. Varela Pedreira, S. Decoster,… Read More

7nm, 5nm and 3nm Logic, current and projected processes

7nm, 5nm and 3nm Logic, current and projected processes
by Scotten Jones on 06-25-2018 at 7:00 am

There has been a lot of new information available about the leading-edge logic processes lately. Papers from IEDM in December 2017, VLSIT this month, the TSMC and Samsung Foundry forums, etc. have all filled in a lot of information. In this article I will summarize what is currently known.… Read More

Semiconductor Cycles Always End the Same Way

Semiconductor Cycles Always End the Same Way
by Robert Maire on 06-24-2018 at 3:00 pm

It appears the current cycle has rolled over? The reason is memory & could be worsened by trade Figuring out length, depth and impact of the downturn? We had said that AMAT “called” the top of the cycle on their last conference call even though they may not think so. Semiconductor cycles always ends the same way. The… Read More

TSMC OIP DAC Theater Schedule 2018

TSMC OIP DAC Theater Schedule 2018
by Daniel Nenni on 06-20-2018 at 6:00 am

The TSMC OIP DAC Theater schedule is finalized and ready to go. It kicks off Monday at 10:15 am in booth #1629 and ends with a raffle at 5:45 pm each day (Mon-Tue-Wed) TSMC gives out some very nice prizes so check in with the TSMC booth staff when you arrive. There are 66 coveted presentation spots representing the top ecosystem partners… Read More

Are memory makers colluding against China?

Are memory makers colluding against China?
by Robert Maire on 06-07-2018 at 12:00 pm

Maybe OMEC is the new OPEC? A bargaining chip in June trade show down?

China has started an apparent investigation into pricing of DRAM memory with Samsung, Micron and SK Hynix as targets. We find this somewhat coincidental given the current trade issues. Memory pricing has been unusually strong for a very long time. Much longer … Read More