CadenceCONNECT: Jasper User Group San Jose

CadenceCONNECT: Jasper User Group San Jose
by Admin on 07-23-2024 at 8:08 pm


It’s time for our annual CadenceCONNECT: Jasper User Group Conference – San Jose. This interactive, in-depth technical conference connects designers, verification engineers, and engineering managers from around the world to share the latest design and verification practices based on Cadence’s Jasper formal… Read More

Magillem User Group Meeting

Magillem User Group Meeting
by Bernard Murphy on 10-13-2017 at 7:00 am

Magillem is hosting a user group meeting on October 26th at The Pad in Sunnyvale. User Group meetings are always educational; this one should be especially so for a number of reasons, not least of which is the keynote topic: Expert Systems for Experts.

REGISTER HERE for the meeting in Sunnyvale on October 26[SUP]th[/SUP] from 10:00am… Read More

SpyGlass World 2015 User Group Meeting

SpyGlass World 2015 User Group Meeting
by Bernard Murphy on 10-26-2015 at 4:00 pm

I attended SpyGlass World this week – to give you an update, to catch up with old friends, including users, and to meet some of the new (to me) players from the Synopsys side of the event. The event was held in the United Club at Levi stadium, just like last year. Don’t know if this will continue. Merging the SpyGlass User Group into SNUG… Read More

SpyGlass World at Levi Stadium, October 21st

SpyGlass World at Levi Stadium, October 21st
by Bernard Murphy on 10-12-2015 at 2:00 pm

I suppose you might have something better to do next Wednesday but, seriously, it had better be pretty good. I admit I’m biased (I was the Atrenta CTO until very recently) but even given that and mixing metaphors, Atrenta really knocked it out of the park when they got the 49er stadium for their User Group meetings. You don’t have to … Read More

Transistor-Level IC Design is Alive and Thriving

Transistor-Level IC Design is Alive and Thriving
by Daniel Payne on 11-26-2014 at 7:00 am

There’s much talk in EDA about High Level Synthesis (HLS), Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) and the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM), however there’s a lower-level of abstraction, the transistor-level, where high-speed digital cell libraries are created, analog circuits are crafted, and AMS designers… Read More

Mentor U2U Is On April 10th

Mentor U2U Is On April 10th
by Paul McLellan on 03-17-2014 at 7:19 pm

If you are a Mentor user, U2U, the Mentor User group is coming up on April 10th. This is an all day event at the DoubleTree. The event is free. Registration starts at 8am and the agenda itself starts at 9am. There is a reception from 5-6pm in the evening.

There are three keynotes. At 9am: Wally Rhines, CEO of Mentor. The Big Squeeze. For … Read More

CDNLive World Tour

CDNLive World Tour
by Paul McLellan on 01-28-2014 at 11:00 pm

CDNLive is becoming a real worldwide event, starting in March in San Jose and ending in November in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The complete schedule is:

  • March 11-12th, Santa Clara, California
  • May 19th-21st, Munich, Germany
  • July 15th, Seoul, Korea
  • August 15th, Shanghai, China
  • August 7th, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  • August 11-12th, Bangalore, India
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CDNLive Call For Papers

CDNLive Call For Papers
by Paul McLellan on 10-24-2012 at 6:44 pm

The Silicon Valley CDNLive, the Cadence user conference, will be on March 12-13th 2013 in Santa Clara. But the heart of CDNLive are customer presentations and the call for papers is now open. The deadline is December 4th (at 5pm PST for people who really like to come down to the wire). At this point only an abstract is required.

There… Read More

Jasper User Group

Jasper User Group
by Paul McLellan on 09-25-2012 at 1:19 pm

The Jasper User Group meeting has been announced. It will take place on November 12th and 13th. As last year, it will be at the Cypress Hotel at 10050 De Anza Boulevard in Cupertino. The user group meeting is free for qualified Jasper customers.

Topics to be covered are, of course, all things verification:

  • SoC subsystems verification
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U2U Mentor Users’ Group

U2U Mentor Users’ Group
by Paul McLellan on 04-04-2012 at 10:58 am

Mentor’s U2U user group meeting in Santa Clara is next week on April 12th at the Santa Clara Marriott. For those of you on the east coast the Waltham U2U is on May 16th, and for Europeans the Munich U2U will be on October 25th. Registration is open for both Santa Clara and Waltham, and there is a call for papers for Munich.

The day … Read More