Automotive Autonomy’s Quiet Advance Through Radar

Automotive Autonomy’s Quiet Advance Through Radar
by Bernard Murphy on 06-12-2024 at 6:00 am

Car radar wireframe min

Given false starts and OEM strategic retreats you could be forgiven for thinking that the autonomous personal car dream is now a lost cause. But that’s not quite true. While moonshot goals have been scaled back or are running under wraps, applications continue to advance, for adaptive cruise control, collision avoidance, automatic… Read More

Siemens EDA Automotive Insights, for Analysts

Siemens EDA Automotive Insights, for Analysts
by Bernard Murphy on 11-16-2021 at 6:00 am

Siemens auto electronics min

There is a classical approach to EDA marketing, and semiconductor marketing at times, which aims exclusively at technical customers and the businesspeople immediately around those experts. The style is understandable and necessary. Those folks are the direct influencers and buyers of the products we are promoting, so we must… Read More

Siemens PAVE360 Stepping Up to Digital Twins

Siemens PAVE360 Stepping Up to Digital Twins
by Bernard Murphy on 09-29-2020 at 6:00 am

Siemens PAVE360

The idea of a digital twin is simple enough. You use a digital model of a car, aircraft, whatever to test design ideas and prove your design will be robust across a wide range of scenarios before you commit millions of dollars and lives to proving out the real thing. As Siemens have accomplished in their PAVE360 platform. There are a … Read More

ISO 26262: My IP Supplier Checks the Boxes, So That’s Covered, Right?

ISO 26262: My IP Supplier Checks the Boxes, So That’s Covered, Right?
by Bernard Murphy on 05-24-2018 at 7:00 am

Everyone up and down the electronics supply chain is jumping on the ISO 26262 bandwagon and naturally they all want to show that whatever they sell is compliant or ready for compliance. We probably all know the basics here – a product certification from one of the assessment organizations, a designated safety manager and a few other… Read More

Webinar: Multiphysics Reliability Signoff for Next-Generation Automotive Electronics Systems

Webinar: Multiphysics Reliability Signoff for Next-Generation Automotive Electronics Systems
by Bernard Murphy on 02-08-2018 at 7:00 am

In case you missed the TSMC event, ANSYS and TSMC are going to reprise a very important topic – signing-off reliability for ADAS and semi-autonomous /autonomous systems. This topic hasn’t had a lot of media attention amid the glamor and glitz of what might be possible in driverless cars. But it now seems like the cold light of real … Read More

CES: An Exhibitor’s Takeaway

CES: An Exhibitor’s Takeaway
by Bernard Murphy on 02-06-2018 at 7:00 am

There are few tech promises these days as prominent as those surrounding driverless cars (trucks, buses, …). But thanks to always-on media amplifiers, it’s not always easy to separate potential from reality. I recently talked to Kurt Shuler, VP Marketing at Arteris, who shared his view after returning from this year’s CES. Kurt… Read More

Conflating ISO 26262 and DO-254

Conflating ISO 26262 and DO-254
by Bernard Murphy on 01-30-2018 at 7:00 am

If you’re in the ASIC business, by now you should have a rough understanding of ISO 26262, the safety standard for automotive electronics. You may be less familiar with DO-254 which has somewhat similar intent for airborne electronics. Unless, that is, you design with FPGAs in which case your familiarity may be the other way around… Read More

The Elephant in the Autonomous Car

The Elephant in the Autonomous Car
by Bernard Murphy on 11-21-2017 at 7:00 am

I was driving recently on highway 87 (San Jose) and wanted to merge left. I checked my side-mirror, checked the blind-spot detector, saw no problems and started to move over – and quickly swerved back when a car shot by on my left. What went wrong? My blind-spot detection, a primary feature in ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems,… Read More

HP Loses Its Autonomy!

HP Loses Its Autonomy!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-09-2012 at 9:00 pm

HP buys Autonomy for $11B then does an $8.8B writedown?!?!?! Was HP swindled by Autonomy? As a long time HP customer I’m outraged by this behavior. Not just the over priced acquisition but the behavior of HP on a whole! Even today 4 of the 6 laptops in my house are HP as are my printers. How am I supposed to buy HP products with a straight … Read More