SiC 800 Jan2025Deadline Static
WP_Term Object
    [term_id] => 3611
    [name] => IoT
    [slug] => iot-internet-of-things
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    [description] => Internet of Things
    [parent] => 0
    [count] => 550
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    [cat_ID] => 3611
    [category_count] => 550
    [category_description] => Internet of Things
    [cat_name] => IoT
    [category_nicename] => iot-internet-of-things
    [category_parent] => 0
    [is_post] => 

Semi execs look at IoT tradeoffs a bit differently

Semi execs look at IoT tradeoffs a bit differently
by Don Dingee on 08-15-2016 at 4:00 pm

What happens when you get a panel of four executives together with an industry-leading journalist to discuss tradeoffs in IoT designs? After the obligatory introductions, Ed Sperling took this group into questions on power, performance, and integration.… Read More

How Connected Healthcare is Becoming Vital

How Connected Healthcare is Becoming Vital
by Bill McCabe on 08-12-2016 at 7:00 am

There is one word that describes the direction that the health care industry is heading, “connectivity”. This catch all term is used to describe using the internet to increase the reach of medicine. This is also known as the internet of things (IOT) and it is nothing new. It is however relatively new to healthcare.

The goal of connected… Read More

Lethal data injection a much bigger threat

Lethal data injection a much bigger threat
by Don Dingee on 08-08-2016 at 4:00 pm

Watching a spirited debate on Twitter this morning between Tom Peters and some of his followers reminded me of the plot of many spy movies: silently killing an opponent with a lethal injection of some exotic, undetectable poison. We are building in enormous risks in more and more big data systems.… Read More

MIPI DevCon 2016: Opened to non-MIPI Members!

MIPI DevCon 2016: Opened to non-MIPI Members!
by Eric Esteve on 08-08-2016 at 7:00 am

The MIPI Alliance was founded in 2003 by large IDM to standardize chip-to-chip interfaces in the wireless phone (mobile) segment. The various MIPI specifications (CSI, DSI, DigRF and many more) have been adopted by the application processor chip makers (usually large IDM or fabless, like Intel or Qualcomm initially and many … Read More

Establishing Principles for IoT Security

Establishing Principles for IoT Security
by John Moor on 08-07-2016 at 4:00 pm

Much has been said about the potential of IoT. So much so, that it is has been featured at the peak of inflated expectations on Gartner’s hype cycle for quite some time. As the hype inevitably subsides, the reality of delivering the benefits of IoT grows, and the initial excitement turns to concern. Challenges around security and … Read More

Radio Integration – the Benefits of Built-In

Radio Integration – the Benefits of Built-In
by Bernard Murphy on 08-05-2016 at 7:00 am

It’s always a pleasure when a vendor gives a really informative, vendor-independent presentation on what’s happening in some domain of the industry and wraps up with (by that point) a well-deserved summary of that vendor’ solutions in that space. Ron Lowman did just that at the Linley conference on Mobile and Wearables, where … Read More

Smarter Cities and How They Can Serve Humanity

Smarter Cities and How They Can Serve Humanity
by Bill McCabe on 08-04-2016 at 4:00 pm

Communications technology is progressing at a phenomenal rate, especially when it comes to wireless communications and the ever growing Internet of Things. While many observers and media outlets focus on the benefits of devices and how they will impact consumers, producers, and service providers, there are also huge benefits… Read More

A Credible Player at the Power Table

A Credible Player at the Power Table
by Bernard Murphy on 08-03-2016 at 7:00 am

For a while it seemed like Mentor lived on the margins of the (RTL) design-for-power game. They had interesting micro-architectural optimization capabilities through their Calypto heritage but no real industry chops in power estimation, a must-have when you are claiming to reduce power. Better known offerings in RTL power … Read More

Industry Analyst Perspectives On The Apple WWDC 2016 Keynote

Industry Analyst Perspectives On The Apple WWDC 2016 Keynote
by Patrick Moorhead on 07-29-2016 at 12:00 pm

I was in-person and live at Apple’s WWDC keynote in San Francisco. The following are my quick takeaways from the event.

Watch and watchOS:
Apple is focusing on exactly what they should be with watchOS, and that’s speed, ease of use and upping the ante in health and fitness. With the first Watch and watchOS, Apple solved many of the problems… Read More