Synopsys Design IP for Modern SoCs and Multi-Die Systems

Synopsys Design IP for Modern SoCs and Multi-Die Systems
by Kalar Rajendiran on 04-11-2024 at 10:00 am

Synopsys IP Scale, a Sustainable Advantage

Semiconductor intellectual property (IP) plays a critical role in modern system-on-chip (SoC) designs. That’s not surprising given that modern SoCs are highly complex designs that leverage already proven building blocks such as processors, interfaces, foundational IP, on-chip bus fabrics, security IP, and others. This… Read More

Synopsys SNUG Silicon Valley Conference 2024: Powering Innovation in the Era of Pervasive Intelligence

Synopsys SNUG Silicon Valley Conference 2024: Powering Innovation in the Era of Pervasive Intelligence
by Kalar Rajendiran on 03-29-2024 at 6:00 am

AI Powered Hyperconvergence Tools Offerings

After the leadership transition at the top, Synopsys had just a little more than two months before the company’s flagship event, the Synopsys User Group (SNUG) conference. The Synopsys user community and entire ecosystem were waiting to hear new CEO Sassine Ghazi’s keynote to learn where the company is going and its strategic … Read More

How Do You Future-Proof Security?

How Do You Future-Proof Security?
by Bernard Murphy on 08-17-2023 at 6:00 am

Secure IC applications min

If you are designing electronics to go into a satellite or a military drone, it better have a useful lifetime of 15-20 years or more. Ditto for the grid or other critical infrastructure, your car, medical devices, anything where we demand absolute reliability. Reliability also requires countermeasures against hacking by anyone… Read More

Enlisting Entropy to Generate Secure SoC Root Keys

Enlisting Entropy to Generate Secure SoC Root Keys
by Tom Simon on 12-06-2021 at 6:00 am

NVM attacks

Most methods of securing SOCs involve storing a root key that provides the basis of all derived keys and encryption of communication. The weakness with these methods is that even if the root key is stored in secure non-volatile memory, there are often methods to read the key. Once a key has been divulged the device can be cloned and … Read More

Using PUFs for Random Number Generation

Using PUFs for Random Number Generation
by Kalar Rajendiran on 10-19-2021 at 6:00 am

3 API Functions

In our daily lives, few of us if any, would want randomness to play any role. We look for predictability in order to plan our lives. But reality is that random numbers have been playing a role in our lives for a long time. The more conspicuous use cases of random numbers are with key fobs, and nowadays mobile phones. And then there are a … Read More

Quantum Computing and Threats to Secure Communication

Quantum Computing and Threats to Secure Communication
by Kalar Rajendiran on 08-09-2021 at 6:00 am

Our Panelists

There is never a dearth of new terms, discoveries and inventions in the technological world. And sometimes existing terms get reinvigorated. And debates ensue. The debaters argue about the plusses and minuses and make some predictions. Such is the case with “Quantum Computing.” I recently watched and listened to a webinar that… Read More

Upcoming Webinar: PUFiot, A NeoPUF-based Secure Co-Processor

Upcoming Webinar: PUFiot, A NeoPUF-based Secure Co-Processor
by Kalar Rajendiran on 05-30-2021 at 10:00 am

PUFiot Applications

Throughout history, people have sought after security as a basic right and expectation within a civilized society. Even as recent as a few centuries ago, things were very simple. Subjects looked to their rulers to provide security for their lives and assets. Assets were mostly hard assets such as jewelry, coins or real estate. … Read More

Quantum Tunneling for OTPs, PUFs: Higher security

Quantum Tunneling for OTPs, PUFs: Higher security
by Bernard Murphy on 03-17-2021 at 6:00 am

ememory neofuse min

I’ve had a number of enjoyable discussions with John East who ran Actel until it was acquired. (John and Actel devices also play an important role in my book, The Tell-Tale Entrepreneur.) This is relevant because Actel were well-known for their anti-fuse FPGAs. eMemory Technology, the subject of this blog, also produce an anti-fuse… Read More

The Best Way to Keep a Secret

The Best Way to Keep a Secret
by Bernard Murphy on 02-20-2019 at 7:00 am

Anyone knows that the best way to keep a secret is never to share it with anyone. Which works fine for your own most personal secrets, but it’s not very useful when you have to share with at least one other, such as in cyber-security. One such need, of enormous importance in the IoT, is authentication; are you who you claim to be? Seas of… Read More

NXP Strengthens Security, Broadens ML Application at the Edge

NXP Strengthens Security, Broadens ML Application at the Edge
by Bernard Murphy on 11-15-2018 at 7:00 am

Security and machine learning (ML) are among the hottest areas in tech, especially for the IoT. The need for higher security is, or should be, blindingly obvious at this point. We struggle to fend off daily attacks even in our mainstream compute and networking environment. How defenseless will we be when we have billions of devices… Read More