How Asia Works, phase 2/3

How Asia Works, phase 2/3
by Paul McLellan on 10-17-2013 at 2:19 am

Success in manufacturing has two conditions: tariff barriers to shield the infant industries from external competition, and a rigorous focus on exports to ensure that manufacturing cannot just shelter behind the tariff barriers and reap monopoly profits inside the country. Each industry needs to have several companies enter,… Read More

How Asia Works, phase 1

How Asia Works, phase 1
by Paul McLellan on 10-15-2013 at 9:00 pm

This is not too much about semiconductors so consider this an “off-topic” warning. But I think you should read on anyway.

TSMC will show up eventually but not yet.

I was in Asia at last week. Coincidentally, I had a book to read on the plane called How Asia Works by Joe Studwell. It looks at what has made Japan, Korea, Taiwan… Read More

SNUG in Asia, US East Coast

SNUG in Asia, US East Coast
by Paul McLellan on 07-10-2012 at 8:05 pm

If you are in Asia then the Synopsys user group SNUG is coming up, soon in Japan and next month in China. Actually if you are in India I’m afraid you already missed it last month, just after DAC.

SNUG Japan is on 12th July in a couple of days time from 10am until 8pm in Tokyo.

In China there are 3 between August 14th and 21st

  • Beijing 北京
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