Register to hear industry experts from top semiconductor companies share their best practices that enable the next generation of high-performance, low power designs for mobile, automotive and other applications. Meet our technologists for in-depth presentations, case studies and demos on the industry’s leading simulation platforms for power, noise, thermal, EMI and reliability integrity sign-off from RTL to silicon, across chip, board, and system.
Design experts from the following Mobile, IoT and Automotive Electronics companies will be sharing their experiences with ANSYS and Apache tools in our suite. Space is limitedso register now to reserve your spot:
- Applied Micro: System Power Analysis with Correlation Results for Advanced Processor Designs – 1:00PM, Tuesday, June 3
- Ciena: Power Analysis using PowerArtist for WaveLogic3 ASIC, a Third Generation 100Gbs Coherent Metro Optical Modem – 12:00PM, Monday, June 2
- LSI: Silicon Correlation of RedHawk Dynamic Voltage Drop in High Power SoC for Storage Application – 1:00PM, Wednesday, June 4
- NXP: Noise Coupling Analysis for Advanced Mixed-signal Automotive ICs – 3:00PM, Tuesday, June 3
- Samsung: Chip-Package-System based Power Integrity Analysis Flow for 14nm Mobile Designs – 1:00PM, Monday, June 2
- STMicroelectronics: Designing Smart Power-Grid with Reduced Die-Area Using RedHawk – 12:00PM, Wednesday, June 4
- Synapse: Designing Wireless Systems for Wearable Electronics and Internet of Things – 2:00PM, Monday, June 2
Click REGISTERto see one or more of these presentations at ANSYS suite.
Products and Technologies
Check out the 30+ in-depth technical presentations and demos from our key technologists. These sessions focus on your top design challenges including consistent power reduction, FinFET based design sign-off, EM/ESD and thermal reliability, chip-package-system convergence, system modeling and more.
Click REGISTERto reserve your seat today.
Fun and Informational Activities
Explore ANSYS and Apache product offerings for mobile, IoT and automotive applications using the touch screen demo kiosk.Enjoy the video,Apache Past, Present and Future, and hear what inspires Apache’s founding team.Play the game, Life of an Engineer, and win fun prizes.
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