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Intel’s First 14nm Chip NOT an x86 Processor

Intel’s First 14nm Chip NOT an x86 Processor
by Ed McKernan on 03-22-2012 at 6:00 pm

Sometime early in 2013, Intel will tape out its first production chip for 14nm and it won’t be an x86 processor. It’s neither necessary nor prudent to lead with a new x86 processor when the one missing element that the mobile market desperately needs is nowhere to be found: an ultra low power 4G LTE chip that fits under the battery… Read More

The Coming Gamer Tablet from…… Apple!

The Coming Gamer Tablet from…… Apple!
by Ed McKernan on 03-13-2012 at 11:25 am

After the introduction of the NEWiPAD, Apple has placed itself just two short steps away from dominating the computer market – including PCs. One step, which is widely reported, is a smaller iPAD with an 8” screen that aims for a $299 price point. Amazon will take the rest of the market under $299. The second step is purely speculation… Read More

Apple’s New iPAD and the End of PC Benchmarks

Apple’s New iPAD and the End of PC Benchmarks
by Ed McKernan on 03-09-2012 at 10:19 am

With the introduction of the “New iPAD”, we now have the 2012 benchmark for the tablet market, including the offerings that will come from Amazon later in the year. As has been noted earlier, with each new mobile product iteration Apple unmoors itself from the PC foundations of Microsoft, Intel and even nVidia and AMD. At the unveiling… Read More

Huawei and Intel Redrawing the New Mobile Playing Field

Huawei and Intel Redrawing the New Mobile Playing Field
by Ed McKernan on 02-28-2012 at 7:22 pm

This time is differentis a book that was released just months before the financial crises in 2008 describing hundreds of historical cases where smart people ended up making disastrous decisions over the span of 800 years that led to government defaults, banking panics etc… In the semiconductor industry, we also tend to think this… Read More

Does 14nm magically put Intel back on the lead smartphone lap?

Does 14nm magically put Intel back on the lead smartphone lap?
by Don Dingee on 02-27-2012 at 2:15 pm

I’ve often wanted to publish a book with nothing but photos of police cars, so that people wouldn’t have to slow down and gawk at them when they have someone pulled over on the side of the freeway. Intel roadmaps seem to have the same effect on people. No matter what is on them, even if there’s nothing really new, they… Read More

Apple’s iPAD 3 Kicks Off a Season For Silicon Valley Re-Alignments

Apple’s iPAD 3 Kicks Off a Season For Silicon Valley Re-Alignments
by Ed McKernan on 02-13-2012 at 3:43 pm

The Corporate PC may finally be on life supports and with it the purveyors of the hardware and software solutions as consumer adoption of new technology outpaces the carefully planned IT budgets that guarantee positive 3 year Returns on Investments (ROI). The Apple of the consumer’s eye will soon feast on the iPAD 3 with its retina… Read More

21st Century Moore’s Law Providing Unforeseen Boost to Silicon Valley

21st Century Moore’s Law Providing Unforeseen Boost to Silicon Valley
by Ed McKernan on 01-30-2012 at 10:00 pm

It has been a great conundrum to many of the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century trained economists and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government folks as to why a government led massive spending spree and Ben Bernanke’s non-stop printing presses can’t at least engender a mediocre economic recovery.

I blame 21st century Moore’s Law!

Today’s… Read More

Intel Aims for the Upper, Upper Decks

Intel Aims for the Upper, Upper Decks
by Ed McKernan on 01-20-2012 at 3:07 pm

Since the introduction of Apple’s iPhone and then the follow on iPAD, it has been Wall Streets frame of reference that Intel would be playing defense as the PC market slid into oblivion and therefore a Terminal Value should be placed on the company. Intel’s Q4 2011 earnings conference call provided a nice jolt to the analysts as Paul… Read More

The Qualcomm PUT and The FABulous Year Ahead

The Qualcomm PUT and The FABulous Year Ahead
by Ed McKernan on 01-19-2012 at 5:14 pm

Humor can arise in surprising ways and yet still be disguised to many. As I was researching Qualcomm the other day, I came upon the transcript of their last quarterly earnings and I had to laugh. In the midst of last summer’s European crises, when the Club Med (Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal) Sovereign Debt was trying to be rolled… Read More