Webinar: ISO 26262 Compliance

Webinar: ISO 26262 Compliance
by Daniel Payne on 05-02-2019 at 12:00 pm

To me the major idea of ISO 26262 compliance is ensuring that requirements can be traced throughout the entire design and verification process, including the use of IP blocks. The first market application that comes to mind with ISO 26262 is automotive, with its emphasis on safety because human lives are at stake. Since necessity… Read More

How to Spice Up Your Library Characterization

How to Spice Up Your Library Characterization
by Tom Simon on 03-29-2019 at 5:00 am

It used to be that at the mention of libraries, people would think of foundry PDK deliverables. However, now a host of factors such as automotive thermal requirements, nanometer FinFET processes, near threshold voltages, higher clock rates, high volumes, etc., have dramatically changed library development. These factors … Read More

Data Centers and AI Chips Benefit from Embedded In-Chip Monitoring

Data Centers and AI Chips Benefit from Embedded In-Chip Monitoring
by Daniel Payne on 03-08-2019 at 12:00 pm

Webinars are a quick way to come up to speed with emerging trends in our semiconductor world, so I just finished watching an interesting one from Moortec about the benefits of embedded in-chip monitoring for Data Center and AIchip design. My first exposure to a data center was back in the 1960s during an elementary school class where… Read More

Monitoring Process, Voltage and Temperature in SoCs, webinar recap

Monitoring Process, Voltage and Temperature in SoCs, webinar recap
by Daniel Payne on 04-26-2018 at 4:00 pm

Have you ever wondered how process variation, thermal self-heating and Vdd levels affect the timing and yield of your SoC design? If you’re clock specification calls for 3GHz, while your silicon is only yielding at 2.4GHz, then you have a big problem on your hands. Such are the concerns of many modern day chip designers. To… Read More

Free Webinar: Silvaco 3D Solver Based Extraction for Device and Circuit Designers

Free Webinar: Silvaco 3D Solver Based Extraction for Device and Circuit Designers
by Tom Simon on 03-20-2018 at 12:00 pm

Designers spend a lot of time looking at their layouts in 2D. This is done naturally because viewing in 2D is faster and simpler than in 3D. It helps that humans are good at extrapolating from 2D to 3D. Analysis software, such as extraction software also spend a lot of time looking at layouts in 2D. While this is fine for approximate results,… Read More

Webinar Alert – Embedded Monitoring of Process and Voltage in SoCs

Webinar Alert – Embedded Monitoring of Process and Voltage in SoCs
by Daniel Payne on 03-13-2018 at 12:00 pm

In the old days to learn about new semiconductor IP you would have to schedule a sales call, listen to the pitch, then decide if the IP was promising or not. Today we have webinars which offer a lot less drama than a sales call, plus you get to ask your questions by typing away at the comfort of your desk, hopefully wearing headphones as … Read More

Free Webinar on Standard Cell Statistical Characterization

Free Webinar on Standard Cell Statistical Characterization
by Tom Simon on 02-20-2018 at 12:00 pm

Variation analysis continues to be increasingly important as process technology moves to more advanced nodes. It comes as no surprise that tool development in this area has been vigorous and aggressive. New higher reliability IC applications, larger memory sizes and much higher production volumes require sophisticated yield… Read More

Embedded In-chip Monitoring, Webinar Recap

Embedded In-chip Monitoring, Webinar Recap
by Daniel Payne on 12-21-2017 at 12:00 pm

Six years ago I first interviewed Stephen Crosher, CEO and Co-founder of Moortecas they were in startup mode with some new semiconductor IP for temperature sensing, and earlier this month I attended their webinar all about embedded in-chip monitoring to get caught up with their technology and growing success. Ramsay Allen is … Read More

Shifting Left with Static and Formal Verification

Shifting Left with Static and Formal Verification
by Bernard Murphy on 12-14-2017 at 7:00 am

Unless you have been living in a cave for the last several years, by now you know that “Shift Left” is a big priority in product design and delivery, and particularly in verification. Within the semiconductor industry I believe Intel coined this term as early as 2002, though it seems now to be popular throughout all forms of technology… Read More

Making Your Next Chip Self-Aware

Making Your Next Chip Self-Aware
by Daniel Payne on 12-01-2017 at 12:00 pm

One holy grail of AI software developers is to create a system that is self-aware, or sentient. A less lofty goal than sentient AI is for chip designers to know how each specific chip responds to Process variations, Voltage levels and Temperature changes. If a design engineer knew exactly which process corner that each chip was fabricated… Read More