High Speed USB 3.0 to reach Smartphone & Tablets in 2012… but which USB 3.0?

High Speed USB 3.0 to reach Smartphone & Tablets in 2012… but which USB 3.0?
by Eric Esteve on 01-23-2012 at 4:32 am

If you are not familiar with SuperSpeed USB standard (USB 3.0), you may understand this press release from Rahman Ismail, chief technology officer of the USB Implementers Forum, as simply claiming that USB 3.0 will be used in smartphone & media tablet this year… but, if you are familiar with the new standard, you are just confused!… Read More

Interface Protocols, USB3, HDMI, MIPI… the winner and losers in 2011

Interface Protocols, USB3, HDMI, MIPI… the winner and losers in 2011
by Eric Esteve on 01-07-2012 at 11:30 am

Releasing a new protocol like ThunderBolt, HDMI or SuperSpeed USB has not only to do with bandwidth performance or form factor of the connector as a guarantee of success. Some non-scientific parameters also play a role in the alchemy, that’s why forecasting the success of a certain protocol is such a hard task, and can’t be reduced… Read More

100 USB 3.0 IP Design-In…Is PLDA rocketing SuperSpeed USB technology?

100 USB 3.0 IP Design-In…Is PLDA rocketing SuperSpeed USB technology?
by Eric Esteve on 11-29-2011 at 10:19 am

Did we (the analyst) completely underestimate SuperSpeed USB take-off, or is the company tweaking the meaning of “USB 3.0 IP Design-In”? This PRfrom PLDA could be understood as a claiming from the IP vendor that they have achieved the 100[SUP]th[/SUP] design win for their USB 3.0 IP… Let’s try to understand how PLDA can make more… Read More

A tribute to Research on Interface IP Market

A tribute to Research on Interface IP Market
by Eric Esteve on 11-17-2011 at 10:03 am

Denali acquisition by Cadence in May 2010, ChipIdea, Virage Logic, and nSys acquisitions by Synopsys in 2009, 2010 and 2011 (resp.) shows that IP market is consolidating… but new IP vendors are still emerging! So we need to know on which product the Interface IP market leader will tend to a dominant position, which new products… Read More

Synopsys Awarded TSMC’s Interface IP Partner of the Year

Synopsys Awarded TSMC’s Interface IP Partner of the Year
by Eric Esteve on 11-09-2011 at 9:19 am

Is it surprising to see that Synopsys has been selected Interface IP partner of the year by TSMC? Not really, as the company is the clear leader on this IP market segment (which includes USB, PCI Express, SATA, DDRn, HDMI, MIPI and others protocols like Ethernet, DisplayPort, Hyper Transport, Infiniband, Serial RapidIO…). But,… Read More

USB 3.0 PHY Verification: how to manage AMS IP verification?

USB 3.0 PHY Verification: how to manage AMS IP verification?
by Eric Esteve on 10-18-2011 at 6:38 am

Very interesting question from Zahrein in this thread: “how to manage an embedded USB 3.0 PHY Verification”? To clearly position the problem, Zahrein need to run the RTL verification of a complete SoC integrating an USB 3.0 function, that is the Controller (digital) and the PHY (Analog Mixed Signal) embedded in the SoC. The question,… Read More

Conclusion of the USB 3.0 IP forecast from IPNEST… complimentary for SemiWiki readers

Conclusion of the USB 3.0 IP forecast from IPNEST… complimentary for SemiWiki readers
by Eric Esteve on 10-14-2011 at 10:40 am

Using the “Diffusion of Innovation” theory, we have built a forecast for the market of USB 3.0 IP in 2011-2015. In this new version of the report, we have inserted the actual revenues generated by USB 3.0 IP from different vendors, for 2009 and 2010, and reworked the 2011-2015 forecast. Initially, we had expected this IP market to … Read More

SuperSpeed USB finally take off! Synopsys claim over 40 USB 3.0 IP sales…

SuperSpeed USB finally take off! Synopsys claim over 40 USB 3.0 IP sales…
by Eric Esteve on 10-06-2011 at 9:06 am

SuperSpeed USB specification was released in November 2008! Even if we can see USB 3.0 powered peripherals shipping now, essentially external HDD, connected to PC equipped with Host Bus Adaptors (as PC chipset from Intel or AMD were not supporting USB 3.0), it will take up to the second quarter of 2012 before PC will be shipped withRead More

Cadence Verification IP Technical Seminar!

Cadence Verification IP Technical Seminar!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-22-2011 at 11:43 am

According to trusted sources it costs upwards of $50M to design a 40nm SoC down to the GDS. Semiconductor IP is a fast growing part of that equation and functional verification of that IP is critical. Hardware complexity growth continues to follow Moore’s Law but verification complexity is even more challenging. In fact, IP verification… Read More

Cadence VIP Seminar: next stop after Denali party, August 25th in San Jose

Cadence VIP Seminar: next stop after Denali party, August 25th in San Jose
by Eric Esteve on 08-15-2011 at 10:42 am


If you did not have the chance to attend the famous Denali party at DAC 2011, you may want to go to Cadence VIP seminar to be held on Thursday, August 25, 2011, from 1:00 – 4:15pm at Cadence Headquarters: 2655 Seely Avenue, San Jose, Building 10. To register, click here. The atmosphere could be slightly different, as during DenaliRead More