STMicroelectronics and SoCs

STMicroelectronics and SoCs
by Majeed Ahmad on 01-29-2015 at 7:00 pm

What does system on chip (SoC) actually mean? How this tech moniker came into being? There is quite a bit of enigma about SoC in the technology press and what this term really stands for. Roger Shepherd, consultant at Parallel Computer Systems, shares on Quora his version of the SoC story. He says that he first heard about SoCs when … Read More

Ensuring Safety Distinctive Design & Verification

Ensuring Safety Distinctive Design & Verification
by Pawan Fangaria on 12-21-2014 at 12:00 pm

In today’s world where every device functions intelligently, it automatically becomes active on any kind of stimulus. The problem with such intelligence is that it can function unfavorably on any kind of bad stimulus. As the devices are complex enough in the form of SoCs (which at advanced process nodes are more susceptible to … Read More

IO Design Optimization Flow for Reliability in 28nm

IO Design Optimization Flow for Reliability in 28nm
by Daniel Payne on 07-31-2014 at 5:00 pm

User group meetings are a rich source of information for IC designers because they have actual designers talking about how they used EDA tools in their methodology to achieve a goal. Engineers at STMicroelectronicspresented at a MunEDAUser Group on the topic: I/O Design Optimization Flow For Reliability In Advanced CMOS Nodes.… Read More

Samsung Endorses FD-SOI!

Samsung Endorses FD-SOI!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-14-2014 at 9:59 am

This is probably one of the biggest stories we will cover this month, if not this year, absolutely. In partnership with STMicroelectronics, Samsung will manufacture 28nm FD-SOI chips for the fabless semiconductor community starting now. This proves without a shadow of a doubt that Samsung is serious about the foundry business.… Read More

FD-SOI, FinFET, 3D in Monterey

FD-SOI, FinFET, 3D in Monterey
by Paul McLellan on 04-09-2014 at 5:40 pm

Last night the IEEE Silicon Valley Chapter had a panel session that was in some ways a preview of some of what will be discussed at the Electronic Design Process Symposium in Monterey next Thursday and Friday. At EDPS Herb Reiter organized a session on FinFET, 3DIC and FD-SOI (sort of how many buzzwords can you get into one set of titles).… Read More

TLM Modeling Environment Goes Commercial

TLM Modeling Environment Goes Commercial
by Daniel Payne on 03-20-2014 at 6:00 pm

The most successful EDA companies typically choose a domain where they have deep knowledge, then serve a few leading-edge customers that are willing to work with a start-up in exchange for early access to that new technology. The theory is that if you can satisfy the leading-edge customer then you can also satisfy the rest of the … Read More

Handel Jones on FD-SOI vs FinFET

Handel Jones on FD-SOI vs FinFET
by Paul McLellan on 03-20-2014 at 1:27 am

Handel Jones has a new white-paper out titled Why Migration to FD-SOI is a Better Approach Than Bulk CMOS and FinFETs at 20nm and 14/16nm for Price-Sensitive Markets. Handel has done an in-depth analysis of the wafer and die costs of the various approaches, bulk planar (what we have been doing up to now), FD-SOI and FinFET. The analysis… Read More

A Brief History of STMicroelectronics

A Brief History of STMicroelectronics
by Daniel Nenni on 02-27-2014 at 10:00 am

STMicroelectronics is the result of the 1987 marriage between famed semiconductor companies SGS Microelettronica of Italy and Thomson-CSF Semiconductor of France. You may recognize the name SGS-Thomson which was replaced by STMicroelectronics in 1998. After the merger SGS-Thomson was ranked as number 14 in the top 20 semiconductor… Read More

Why SOI is the Future Technology of Semiconductor

Why SOI is the Future Technology of Semiconductor
by Eric Esteve on 01-14-2014 at 8:34 am

No doubt that FDSOI generate high interest these days and I found a very interesting contribution from Zvi Or-Bach, President and CEO of MonolithIC 3D, Inc. Zvi has accepted to share his wrap-up from IEDM, in a blog for Semiwiki readers. If you remember the long discussion we had in Semiwiki about cost comparison, some comments were… Read More

Cadence Grows VIP Business – What’s New?

Cadence Grows VIP Business – What’s New?
by Pawan Fangaria on 10-04-2013 at 10:00 am

VIPs (Verification IPs) are really important in this complex world of SoCs which involve various IPs, interfaces and continuously evolving protocols and standards, thus making the task of verifying an overall system extremely challenging. And the verification must be done in minimum possible run-time and memory consumption.… Read More