Automotive Semiconductor Market Slowing

Automotive Semiconductor Market Slowing
by Bill Jewell on 06-24-2024 at 6:00 pm

Semiconductor Market Growth 2024

We at Semiconductor Intelligence estimate the automotive semiconductor market was $67 billion in 2023, up 12% from 2022. The top twelve suppliers accounted for over three-quarters of the market. Infineon Technologies was the largest automotive semiconductor supplier, at $9.2 billion or 13.7% of the market. NXP Semiconductors… Read More

Webinar: STMicroelectronics’ solutions to MEMS Development Challenges

Webinar: STMicroelectronics’ solutions to MEMS Development Challenges
by Admin on 04-10-2024 at 1:15 pm

Addressing the challenges early-stage companies face on their quest for research and industrialization options on the way to mass production

About this event

1 hour

Join us Thursday, April 18 at 9 am PT for the complimentary Webinar titled, The MEMS Development Dilemma. This webinar provides a look at the challenges many early-stage

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Analog Circuit Migration and Optimization

Analog Circuit Migration and Optimization
by Daniel Payne on 07-18-2023 at 6:00 am

WiCkeD Flow, analog circuit optimization

The MunEDA User Group Meeting (MUGM)  has been an annual event since 2006, and this year there were some 80 participants from many customers that attended to share their experiences and learn how to get the best EDA tool results. I’ve been able to view the presentations and archived videos, so will share some of the interesting… Read More

Bleak Year for Semiconductors

Bleak Year for Semiconductors
by Bill Jewell on 02-22-2023 at 6:00 am

Top Semiconductor Revenue 2022

The global semiconductor market in 2022 was $573.5 billion, according to WSTS. 2022 was up 3.2% from 2021, a significant slowdown from 26.2% growth in 2021. We at Semiconductor Intelligence track semiconductor market forecasts and award a virtual prize for the most accurate forecast for the year. The criteria are a forecast publicly… Read More

An Update on HLS and HLV

An Update on HLS and HLV
by Daniel Payne on 12-19-2022 at 10:00 am

NCJ29D5 BD2 min

I first heard about High Level Synthesis (HLS) while working in EDA at Viewlogic back in the 1990s, and have kept watch on the trends over the past decades. Earlier this year Siemens EDA hosted a two day event, having speakers from well-known companies share their experiences about using HLS and High Level Verification (HLV) in their… Read More

Semiconductors Down in 2nd Half 2022

Semiconductors Down in 2nd Half 2022
by Bill Jewell on 11-20-2022 at 4:00 pm

Top Semiconductor Revenue 2H 2022

The semiconductor market declined 6.3% in 3Q 2022 from 2Q 2022, according to WSTS. Based on the outlook for 4Q 2022, the second half of 2022 will be down over 10% from the first half of 2022. The 2H 2022 decline will be the largest half-year decline since a 21% drop in the first half of 2009 versus the second half of 2008 during the great … Read More

Semiconductor Decline in 2023

Semiconductor Decline in 2023
by Bill Jewell on 09-22-2022 at 8:00 am

Semiconductor MArket Forecast 2022 1

The semiconductor market dropped 0.8 percent in 2Q 2022 versus 1Q 2022, according to WSTS. The 2Q 2022 decline followed a 0.5% quarter-to-quarter decline in 1Q 2022. The 2Q 2022 revenues of the top 15 semiconductor suppliers match the overall market results, with a 1% decline from 1Q 2022. The results by company were mixed. Memory… Read More

Semiconductor Boom in 2021

Semiconductor Boom in 2021
by Bill Jewell on 11-23-2020 at 6:00 pm

Top Semiconductor Revenue 2020

The third quarter 2020 semiconductor market totaled $114 billion, up 11.0% from second quarter 2020, according to World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS). The 3Q20 growth was the highest since 11.6% in 3Q16. The strong 3Q20 growth follows a 2.1% decline in 2Q20 versus 1Q20. The second quarter is normally a healthy growth … Read More

The COVID-19 Virus Outbreak and the Semiconductor Supply Chain

The COVID-19 Virus Outbreak and the Semiconductor Supply Chain
by Mark Dyson on 02-23-2020 at 10:00 am

The COVID 19 virus outbreak and the semiconductor supply chain

Welcome to my weekly roundup of the key semiconductor news from around the world from last week.  The COVID-19 virus outbreak and it’s impact on the semiconductor supply chain continues to dominate the news, but there was also lots of other news from around the world, so please read on.

Let’s start by a review of where the started… Read More

The Tech Week that was January 13-17 2020

The Tech Week that was January 13-17 2020
by Mark Dyson on 01-19-2020 at 10:00 am

Semiconductor Weekly Summary 1

In a week where the “phase 1” trade deal between US and China was finally signed, here is all the key news from the semiconductor and technology sector around the world.

After 2 years of an ever increasing trade war, the US and China have signed the so called Phase 1 deal aimed at reducing trade frictions.

Just as important as what is … Read More