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Samsung 14nm is the one delayed!

Samsung 14nm is the one delayed!
by Daniel Nenni on 11-05-2014 at 6:00 am

As you may have read, the CEO of Ultratech made some unfortunate statements on the recent quarterly conference call in regards to FinFET Yield. As a result there has been a lot of speculation about the who, what, and why. I blogged about it because it interested me personally plus I wanted to collect more data on the subject. Some of … Read More

FD-SOI, an Opportunity for China?

FD-SOI, an Opportunity for China?
by Paul McLellan on 11-04-2014 at 11:00 pm

Last month in Shanghai was a meeting of the FD-SOI consortium. The focus of the meeting was largely on the suitability of using FD-SOI to serve the Chinese market. The fabs in China are not right on the bleeding edge and are very cost-sensitive so 28nm is probably as advanced as they will get for a long time if not indefinitely. China … Read More

In-Design DFM Signoff for 14nm FinFET Designs

In-Design DFM Signoff for 14nm FinFET Designs
by Pawan Fangaria on 11-04-2014 at 4:00 pm

While FinFET yield controversy is going on, I see a lot being done to improve that yield by various means. One prime trend today, it must be, it’s worthwhile, is to pull up various signoffs as early as possible during the design cycle. And DFM signoff is a must with respect to yield of fabrication. This reminds me about my patents filed… Read More

Its a bouncing baby IEEE standard!

Its a bouncing baby IEEE standard!
by Beth Martin on 11-04-2014 at 12:00 am

Pass the cigars! On November 3rd, 2014, the IEEE-SA Standards Board finally approved IEEE P1687 as a new standard. From now on, you can drop the “P” and just call it 1687, or to its friends, IJTAG. Now would be a good time to sign up for an IJTAG technical workshop.

The new IEEE 1687 Internal JTAG (IJTAG) standard is changing… Read More

Improve Test Robustness & Coverage Early in Design

Improve Test Robustness & Coverage Early in Design
by Pawan Fangaria on 11-03-2014 at 5:00 pm

In a semiconductor design, keeping the design testable with high test coverage has always been a requirement. However with shrinking technology nodes and large, dense SoC designs and complex logic structures, while it has become mandatory to reach close to 100% test coverage, it’s extremely difficult to cope with the explosion… Read More

Let the FinFET Yield Controversy Begin!

Let the FinFET Yield Controversy Begin!
by Daniel Nenni on 11-03-2014 at 8:00 am

It never ceases to amaze me how people point fingers and create controversy to cover their mistakes. It happened at 40nm, 28nm, and again at 20nm and now it is time for the regularly scheduled yield controversy. Of course any conversation about semiconductor yield generates clicks for SemiWiki so I’m happy to play along.

It generally… Read More

DAC Deadlines: Action This Day

DAC Deadlines: Action This Day
by Paul McLellan on 11-02-2014 at 7:00 am

DAC is coming up. OK, it’s not actually until next June. It is June 7-11th 2015 at the Moscone Center here in San Francisco. But there are lots of important deadlines coming up for papers, panels and more. The 52[SUP]nd[/SUP] DAC will focus on five key tracks:

  • automotive
  • IP design
  • embedded systems
  • hardware/software security
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Semiconductor IP Forecast 2014 – 2020

Semiconductor IP Forecast 2014 – 2020
by Daniel Nenni on 11-01-2014 at 10:00 pm

Given that the majority of my 30+ years in Silicon Valley has revolved around semiconductor IP it should be of no surprise that IP is a big part of SemiWiki and our first book “Fabless: The Transformation of the Semiconductor Industry”. That is also why one of my first round blogger draft choices was IP expert Dr. Eric Esteve. Eric has… Read More

What Presentations to Attend During IP-SoC 2014 ?

What Presentations to Attend During IP-SoC 2014 ?
by Eric Esteve on 11-01-2014 at 11:00 am

Will you go to Grenoble next week to attend to IP-SoC? I will do it and will certainly listen to these Keynote Talks:

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Noise & Reliability of FinFET Designs – Success Stories!

Noise & Reliability of FinFET Designs – Success Stories!
by Pawan Fangaria on 11-01-2014 at 7:00 am

I think by now there has been good level of discussion on FinFET technology at sub-20 nm process nodes and this is an answer to ultra dense, high performance, low power, and billion+ gate SoC designs within the same area. However, it comes with some of the key challenges with respect to power, noise and reliability of the design. A FinFET… Read More