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Intel Adds ‘Authenticate’ Multi-Factor Security Feature

Intel Adds ‘Authenticate’ Multi-Factor Security Feature
by Patrick Moorhead on 03-11-2016 at 7:00 am

Last summer, Intel launched their 14nm, 6th Generation Core processors, code-named ‘Skylake’, alongside Microsoft’s new Windows 10 operating system. As things usually go in the enterprise world, the commercial 6th Generation of Intel’s Core vPro processors weren’t too far behind with increased security and manageability… Read More

Intel EUV Photoresist Progress and ASML High NA EUV

Intel EUV Photoresist Progress and ASML High NA EUV
by Scotten Jones on 03-10-2016 at 4:00 pm

SPIE Days 3 and 4:

Anna Lio of Intel presented EUV resists: What’s next?

Intel wants to insert EUV at 7nm but it has to be ready and economical. Critical Dimension Uniformity (CDU), Line Width Roughness (LWR) and edge placement/stochastics are all stable on 22nm, 14nm and 10nm pilot lines.… Read More

Inception of "Intel Inside"

Inception of "Intel Inside"
by kunalpghosh on 01-27-2016 at 7:00 am

Let me start with a quote:

“Competition is always a good thing. It forces us to do our best. A monopoly renders people complacent and satisfied with mediocrity.”– Nancy Pearcy

By the end of post, it will be quite evident that it was the competition that led to one of the classiest campaign “Intel Inside” for its processors. As I mentionedRead More

Intel to Focus on IoT and NOT Mobile?

Intel to Focus on IoT and NOT Mobile?
by Daniel Nenni on 01-17-2016 at 12:00 pm

The Intel Q4 investor call was last week and as Brian Krzanich approaches his 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] year as Intel CEO a new synergistic corporate strategy is emerging:

That strategy is also resulting in the evolution of our business model to focus on three key areas of growth: The Data Center, the Internet of Things, and Memory.

DCG, IoTGRead More

Intel reaches for all-new experience at CES2016

Intel reaches for all-new experience at CES2016
by Don Dingee on 01-06-2016 at 1:30 pm

When Gary Shapiro introduced Brian Krzanich for Intel’s keynote at #CES2016, he just possibly may have been the last person to say “Moore’s Law” outside of a museum ever again. Krzanich was about to take Intel into new territory, where “Copy Exactly” and tick-tock also don’t matter.… Read More

IEDM Blogs – Part 5 – Intel and Micron 3D NAND

IEDM Blogs – Part 5 – Intel and Micron 3D NAND
by Scotten Jones on 12-29-2015 at 7:00 am

At IEDM Intel and Micron presented “A Floating Gate Based 3D NAND Technology With CMOS Under Array” authored by Krishna Parat and Chuck Dennison.

As I previously discussed in my blog on the IEDM memory short course and blog on IMEC’s work on high mobility 3D NAND channels, continuing to scale 2D Flash has become extremely difficult… Read More

Samsung Versus Intel at 14nm

Samsung Versus Intel at 14nm
by Scotten Jones on 12-01-2015 at 6:00 pm

Daniel Nenni recently blogged about Intel’s claims of industry leading process density that were made at their analysts meeting. It isn’t clear to me why Intel makes this such a big focus at the analysts meetings, they really don’t compete with the foundries much but this seems to be a big deal to them. I thought it would be interesting… Read More

Intel 2015 Analyst Meeting Debunked!

Intel 2015 Analyst Meeting Debunked!
by Daniel Nenni on 11-22-2015 at 7:00 am

Bill Holt’s “Advancing Moore’s Law” presentation at the recent Intel Analyst day was swallowed hook, line, and sinker by the mainstream media fish so let me play devil’s advocate here and point out some problems with his spin on the competitive landscape.

Coincidentally, one of my Intel friends insists that Intel is number one … Read More

Intel Analyst Day – More Capex-Less Losses- PCs Slow/Stabilizing- More M&A?

Intel Analyst Day – More Capex-Less Losses- PCs Slow/Stabilizing- More M&A?
by Robert Maire on 11-19-2015 at 12:00 pm

Like other semi stocks we could see a relief rally as the analyst day is likely to be better than previous news flow- Not much new to tell. Most all of the bad news has been wrung out of the stock- 10nm delays, slowing PCs, tablet losses- the bar has been reset on most issues to “beatable levels”.… Read More