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Arteris logo bk org rgb
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AI, Safety and the Network

AI, Safety and the Network
by Bernard Murphy on 09-04-2019 at 6:00 am

If you follow my blogs you know that Arteris IP is very active in these areas, leveraging their central value in network-on-chip (NoC) architectures. Kurt Shuler has put together a front-to-back white-paper to walk you through the essentials of AI, particularly machine learning (ML) and its application for example in cars.

He… Read More

Safety Methods Meet Enterprise SSDs

Safety Methods Meet Enterprise SSDs
by Bernard Murphy on 07-16-2019 at 5:00 am

The use of safety-centric logic design techniques for automotive applications is now widely appreciated, but did you know that similar methods are gaining traction in the design of enterprise-level SSD controllers? In the never-ending optimization of datacenters, a lot attention is being paid to smart storage, offloading… Read More

Intelligence in the Fog

Intelligence in the Fog
by Bernard Murphy on 06-12-2019 at 5:00 am

By now, you should know about AI in the cloud for natural language processing, image ID, recommendation, etc, etc (thanks to Google, Facebook, AWS, Baidu and several others) and AI on the edge for collision avoidance, lane-keeping, voice recognition and many other applications. But did you know about AI in the fog? First, a credit… Read More

What are SOTIF and Fail-Operational and Does This Affect You?

What are SOTIF and Fail-Operational and Does This Affect You?
by Bernard Murphy on 05-22-2019 at 7:00 am

Standards committees, the military and governmental organizations are drawn to acronyms as moths are drawn to a flame, though few of them seem overly concerned with the elegance or memorability of these handles. One such example is SOTIF – Safety of the Intended Function – more formally known as ISO/PAS 21448. This is a follow-on… Read More

ML and Memories: A Complex Relationship

ML and Memories: A Complex Relationship
by Bernard Murphy on 04-18-2019 at 7:00 am

No, I’m not going to talk about in-memory-compute architectures. There’s interesting work being done there but here I’m going to talk here about mainstream architectures for memory support in Machine Learning (ML) designs. These are still based on conventional memory components/IP such as cache, register files, SRAM and various… Read More

Qualcomm Intel Facebook and Semiconductor IP

Qualcomm Intel Facebook and Semiconductor IP
by Daniel Nenni on 03-20-2019 at 12:00 am

What does Qualcomm, Intel, and Facebook have in common? Well, for one thing they all bought network onchip communications (NoC) IP companies. As I have mentioned before, semiconductor IP is the foundation of the fabless semiconductor ecosystem and I believe this trend of acquisitions will continue. So, if you are going to start… Read More

Segmenting the Machine-Learning Hardware Market

Segmenting the Machine-Learning Hardware Market
by Bernard Murphy on 03-13-2019 at 12:00 pm

One of the great pleasures in what I do is to work with people who are working with people in some of the hottest design areas today. A second-level indirect to be sure but that gives me the luxury of taking a broad view. A recent discussion I had with Kurt Shuler (VP Marketing at Arteris IP) is in this class. As a conscientious marketing… Read More

Safety: Big Opportunity, A Long and Hard Road

Safety: Big Opportunity, A Long and Hard Road
by Bernard Murphy on 02-27-2019 at 7:00 am

Safety, especially in road vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.), gets a lot of press these days. From the point of view of vendors near the bottom of the value chain it can seem that this just adds another item to the list of product requirements; as long as you have that covered, everything else remains pretty much the same in… Read More

Why High-End ML Hardware Goes Custom

Why High-End ML Hardware Goes Custom
by Bernard Murphy on 01-30-2019 at 7:00 am

In a hand-waving way it’s easy to answer why any hardware goes custom (ASIC): faster, lower power, more opportunity for differentiation, sometimes cost though price isn’t always a primary factor. But I wanted to do a bit better than hand-waving, especially because these ML hardware architectures can become pretty exotic, so … Read More

Disturbances in the AI Force

Disturbances in the AI Force
by Bernard Murphy on 01-03-2019 at 7:00 am

In the normal evolution of specialized hardware IP functions, initial implementations start in academic research or R&D in big semiconductor companies, motivating new ventures specializing in functions of that type, who then either build critical mass to make it as a chip or IP supplier (such as Mobileye – intially)… Read More