Layout-based ESD Check Methodology with Fast, Full-chip Static and Macro-level Dynamic

Layout-based ESD Check Methodology with Fast, Full-chip Static and Macro-level Dynamic
by Daniel Payne on 05-22-2013 at 10:25 am

Nvidia designs some of the most powerful graphics chips and systems in the world, so I’m always eager to learn more about their IC design methodology. This week I’ve had the chance to talk with Ting Ku, Director of Engineering at Nvidia about his DAC talkin the Apache booth in exactly two weeks from today. RegistrationRead More

Transistor-Level Update from Cadence at DAC

Transistor-Level Update from Cadence at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 05-20-2013 at 7:47 pm

My 8 years as an IC circuit designer were at the transistor-level, so if that interests you as well then consider what there is to see from Cadence at DAC this year. IC design technology is changing quickly, so keeping up to date is important for your job security and continual education goals.

Here’s what I would recommend attending… Read More

SoC Optimization Using FPGA Prototyping

SoC Optimization Using FPGA Prototyping
by Daniel Payne on 05-18-2013 at 11:00 am

As an engineer I learn new concepts best by seeing a demonstration, in this case it was a demo of how to optimize SoC performance by using an ASIC prototyping debug process. SoC designers that use FPGAs to prototype their new ASIC often encounter debug issues, like:

  • Limited observability of internal nets required for debug, maybe
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RTL Power Estimation at DAC

RTL Power Estimation at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 05-17-2013 at 7:22 pm

If you design with ARMCores and need to estimate dynamic power early in the flow, then consider what STMicroelectronics has done with their high performance, power-efficient subsystems. Anne Merlande is a Processor Micro Architecture technical expert, and will be presenting in Booth #1346 at DACon June 4th, 2:00PM. Her topic… Read More

IC Design with No Clocks Used in a SMART Card

IC Design with No Clocks Used in a SMART Card
by Daniel Payne on 05-17-2013 at 5:21 pm

My IC design career started at Intel with DRAM chips, so I’m very familiar with clockless design because we used self-timed techniques to get maximum performance. I remember blogging about an asynchronous design company called Tiempo back in 2010, while blogging at Chip Design Magazine. A few weeks ago there was a press … Read More

Power, Noise and Reliability Consideration for Advanced Automotive and Networking ICs

Power, Noise and Reliability Consideration for Advanced Automotive and Networking ICs
by Daniel Payne on 05-14-2013 at 6:27 pm

I love it when my Acura goes months and months without any major repair issue or computer-related glitches. Cars or networks only become reliable when they are designed and built for reliability. Freescale designs SoCs for advanced automotive and networking applications, and their engineers know much about the topics of power,… Read More

Chip and I/O Modeling for System-level Power Noise Analysis and Optimization

Chip and I/O Modeling for System-level Power Noise Analysis and Optimization
by Daniel Payne on 05-14-2013 at 4:13 pm

Cornelia Golovanovworks at LSI Corp in Pennsylvania and is an EMI expert that provides EDA tool and methodology advise to design groups. She earned a PhD in microelectronics and radioelectricity from the Institut national polytechnique de Grenoble, and joined Lucent out of school 12 years ago. We had a chance to talk by phone about… Read More

UVM/SystemVerilog: Verification and Debugging

UVM/SystemVerilog: Verification and Debugging
by Daniel Payne on 05-13-2013 at 2:45 pm

At DAC in just three weeks you can learn about which EDA vendors are supporting the latest UVM 1.1d (Universal Verification Methodology) standard as defined by Accellera. One of those EDA vendors is Aldec, and they have a 45 minute technical session that you can register for online. Space will fill up quickly, so get signed up sooner… Read More

A Big Boost for Equivalency Checking

A Big Boost for Equivalency Checking
by Daniel Payne on 05-12-2013 at 1:41 pm

Thirty years ago in 1983 Professor Daniel Gajski and Kuhn created the now famous Y-Chart to show the various levels of abstraction in electronic system design:

We can still use this Y-Chart today because it still pertains to how engineers are doing their SoC designs. Along the Behavioral axis there is a need to know that each level… Read More

Prototyping Over 100 Million ASIC Gates Capacity

Prototyping Over 100 Million ASIC Gates Capacity
by Daniel Payne on 05-10-2013 at 12:42 pm

Most SoCs today are being prototyped in FPGA hardware before committing to costly IC fabrication. You could just design and build your own FPGA prototyping system, or instead choose something off the shelf and then concentrate on your core competence of SoC design.

Thanks to the FPGA vendors like Xilinx we now have FGPA prototyping… Read More