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Synopsys Webinar White 800x100 px Max Quality (1)
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Synopsys IC Validator at DAC

Synopsys IC Validator at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 06-14-2011 at 3:14 pm

At DAC last week I visited the Synopsys demo suite to see what’s new with IC Validator.

Stelios Diamantidis, PMM
– In-design physical verification
– Sign-off reveals thousands of late stage DRC violations
– 28nm has 1.5K rules, 15K runset sizes
– Metal Fill changes timing
– The DRM can be changed throughout the life of the process

Timing Closure – can be too slow, too many iterations, too time consuming
– A new methodology is needed

IC Validator – verify as you go, early, not at the end of routing
– Run during: Floorplan, P/G, Placement, CTS, final route

In-Design PV: Metal Fill
– Foundry runset used by IC Compiler
– Evaluate timing of critical nets, timing aware metal fill
– Automate ECO process, identify shorts, push route out, comply to DRC rules
– Example of timing driven metal fill evaluation
o Renesas: 6X faster TAT using ICV with ICC
o AMD: 30 minutes to complete Metal Fill, 580K nets

In-Design PV: Signoff DRC
– Incremental Checking (analysis by Layer, Area or rule)
– GDS Merge – remove cell boundaries (full mask checking on demand)
– Automatic DRC Repair (highly localized, router driven), router told where to correct violations
– ST: Used the flow to find and fix 340 violations in just 35 minutes
– TI: Up to 100% auto fix rate , Automatic DRC Repair (ADR)

Smart Error Management
– Milkyway Intgration (direct access to properties)
– Error categorization (automatic linking of violations)
– Interactive filtering (querying or sorting of violations)

Chris Grossman – Corporate AE
Demo of IC Validator, live
– Start with IC Compiler, DRC checking shows 20,330 violations
– Stepping through each DRC violation graphically, decide how to fix DRV violations with scripting or manual efforts
– Another way is to use ICV (DRC checking) inside of ICC (P&R)
– Results of DRC checking shows only 3926 violations, not 20,330 at the end of detailed P&R
o Filter the DRC violations: P/G Nets, Clock Nets, Signal Routes, User Routes
o Re-run just one rule at a time, re-run rules in one rectangular area at a time
o You can leave the floorplanning stage knowing that you are DRC clean
o After checking DRC after PG, it’s time to run DRC after Clock Tree Synthesis (CTS)
o Now only 16 DRC violations found (Found a RAM placement too close to a VDD)
o Run MergeGDS to see where this RAM instance has a DRC violation
o After CTS time to run detailed routing, found only 143 DRC violations now

– Run In-Design PV at each stage of physical design, not at the end of detailed routing
– In-design physical verification saves weeks of time over the old implement then verify approach
– IC Validator: pre-routing checks, routing checking, automatic repair, timing aware repair
o Next release: 1.5X faster DRC runs, 1.5X smaller fill size, 3X less fill memory
o 20nm: double patterning required, native DPT coloring engine, In-Design decomposition checking
o Equation-based DRC
o Debug Productivity: will have a new LVS graphical schematic viewer, LVS equivalent error browser, graphical runset debugger
o Advanced Nodes: fill-to-target (correct by construction), pattern matching (Prevents manufacturing limiting layout patterns)

ICC – Has 60% market share in P&R

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