Semiconductor CapEx Down in 2024

Semiconductor CapEx Down in 2024
by Bill Jewell on 03-21-2024 at 2:00 pm

Delayed Wafer Projects

U.S. President Biden announced on Wednesday an agreement to provide Intel with $8.5 billion in direct funding and $11 billion in loans under the CHIPS and Science Act. Intel will use the funding for wafer fabs in Arizona, Ohio, New Mexico, and Oregon. As reported in our December 2023 newsletter, the CHIPS Act provides a total of $52.7… Read More

Semiconductor CapEx Warning

Semiconductor CapEx Warning
by Bill Jewell on 04-27-2022 at 4:00 pm

CAPEX Growth 2022

Semiconductor makers are planning strong capital expenditure (CapEx) growth in 2022. According to IC Insights, 13 companies plan to increase CapEx in 2022 by over 40% from 2021. The largest CapEx for 2022 will be from TSMC at $42 billion, up 40%, and Intel at $27 billion, up 44%. IC Insights is forecasting total semiconductor industry… Read More

Forty Four Billion Reasons Why TSMC Remains Dominant

Forty Four Billion Reasons Why TSMC Remains Dominant
by Robert Maire on 01-20-2022 at 6:00 am

Forty Four Billion Reasons Why TSMC Remains Dominant

-Chips for America is better than nothing, but not much
TSMC $40-44B Capex crushes competition (Intel & Samsung)
-Additional efforts other than handouts are necessary
-Could/should TSMC be “adopted” as a US company?

Competition can’t keep up with $40-$44B of Capex

TSMC’s recent announcement… Read More

Semiconductor CapEx too strong?

Semiconductor CapEx too strong?
by Bill Jewell on 10-28-2021 at 1:00 pm

Oct 2021 capex2

Semiconductor capital expenditures (CapEx) are on track for strong growth in 2021. For many companies the increase should continue into 2022. TSMC, the dominant foundry company, expects to spend $30 billion in CapEx in 2021, a 74% increase from 2020. TSMC announced in March it plans to invest $100 billion over the next three years,… Read More

Capex Driving Overcapacity?

Capex Driving Overcapacity?
by Bill Jewell on 10-29-2017 at 12:00 pm

Semiconductor capital expenditures (cap ex) in 2017 will increase significantly from 2016. In August, Gartner forecast 2017 cap ex growth of 10.2% and IC Insights projected 20.2% growth. SEMI expects spending on semiconductor fabrication equipment will increase 37%. Cap ex growth is primarily driven by increased capacity… Read More

SEMICON Southeast Asia reflects strong equipment market

SEMICON Southeast Asia reflects strong equipment market
by Bill Jewell on 04-28-2017 at 4:00 pm

SEMICON Southeast Asia was held this week in Penang, Malaysia. Over 6500 people attended the conference to learn about the latest trends and equipment in semiconductor manufacturing.

Dr. Dan Tracy, Senior Director Industry Research and Statistics at SEMI, presented an optimistic outlook for the semiconductor equipment market… Read More

2015 Semiconductor Capex led by Memory & Foundry

2015 Semiconductor Capex led by Memory & Foundry
by Bill Jewell on 04-25-2015 at 7:00 am

Semiconductor industry capital expenditures (capex) in 2015 are expected to be $69 billion in 2015, up 6% from $65 billion in 2014 according to IC Insights. We at Semiconductor Intelligence have compiled 2015 capex outlook by company. The major memory companies account for 38% of 2015 capex and the major foundries account for … Read More

Semiconductor CAPEX Growth Increases Fab Equipment Spending!

Semiconductor CAPEX Growth Increases Fab Equipment Spending!
by Daniel Nenni on 04-01-2015 at 8:00 am

SEMI Forecasts 15% Increase in Fab Equipment Spending for 2015

With worldwide capex growth of 8%, fab equipment spending is expected to increase by 15% in 2015, according to the most recent edition of the SEMI ( World Fab Forecast. SEMI’s data also predicts a slowdown of fab equipment spending in 2016 to low single … Read More

Another Negative Year for Semiconductor CapEx

Another Negative Year for Semiconductor CapEx
by Bill Jewell on 09-29-2013 at 11:00 pm

Global semiconductor capital spending is headed for another decline in 2013, following a 12% decline in 2012. Gartner’s September forecast called for a 7% decline in 2013. Most of the major spenders expect flat to declining expenditures in 2013. Intel in July estimated 2013 spending of $11 billion, flat with 2012 and down from … Read More

Recovery in 2013 Semiconductor Capex

Recovery in 2013 Semiconductor Capex
by Bill Jewell on 04-29-2013 at 11:00 pm

Semiconductor manufacturing equipment has been on an upswing for the last few months. Combined data from Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) and Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ) shows three-month-average bookings have increased for five consecutive months through March 2013.… Read More