What’s New with Cadence Virtuoso?

What’s New with Cadence Virtuoso?
by Daniel Payne on 04-19-2023 at 10:00 am

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It was back in 1991 that Cadence first announced the Virtuoso product name, and here we are 32 years later and the product is alive and doing quite well. Steven Lewis from Cadence gave me an update on something new that they call Virtuoso Studio, and it’s all about custom IC design for the real world. In those 32 years we’ve… Read More

EDA Flows for 3D Die Integration

EDA Flows for 3D Die Integration
by Tom Dillinger on 07-20-2021 at 6:00 am

future integration


The emergence of 2.5D heterogeneous die integration using a silicon (or organic) interposer has enabled unique system architectures.  The term “More than Moore” has been used to describe the circuit density and cost advantages of leveraging multiple die in the package, the die potentially in different process technologies. … Read More

Cadence Defines a New Signoff Paradigm with Tempus PI

Cadence Defines a New Signoff Paradigm with Tempus PI
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-20-2020 at 10:00 am

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Semiconductor technology advances have a way of rewriting the rule book. As process geometries shrink, subtle effects graduate to mainstream problems. Performance curves can become inverted. And no matter what else occurs, low power demands are constantly reducing voltage and design margins along with it. Sometimes these… Read More

The Complexity of Block-Level Placement @ 56thDAC

The Complexity of Block-Level Placement @ 56thDAC
by Tom Dillinger on 06-11-2019 at 10:00 am

The recent Design Automation Conference in Las Vegas was an indication of how the electronics industry is evolving.  In its formative years, DAC was focused on the fundamental algorithms emerging from academic research and industrial R&D, that enabled the continuation of the Moore’s Law complexity curve.  (Indeed, the… Read More

IoT Designs Beginning to Shift to 7nm: Promises Upside for Cadence Physically-Aware Design Flow

IoT Designs Beginning to Shift to 7nm: Promises Upside for Cadence Physically-Aware Design Flow
by Mitch Heins on 01-29-2018 at 12:00 pm

Until recently, ICs at bleeding edge nodes like 7nm technology from foundries like TSMC were mostly targeted for high-performance-computing (HPC) and mobile applications or possibly high radix switches that needed the increased performance of advanced nodes. The momentum of Moore’s law and Moore-than-Moore saw foundries… Read More

Extraction Features for 7nm

Extraction Features for 7nm
by Tom Dillinger on 08-21-2017 at 12:00 pm

Frequent Semiwiki readers are familiar with the importance of close collaboration between the foundries and EDA tool developers, to provide the crucial features required by new process nodes. Perhaps the best illustration of the significance of this collaboration is the technical evolution of layout parasitic extraction.… Read More

The CDNLive Keynotes

The CDNLive Keynotes
by Bernard Murphy on 04-25-2017 at 7:00 am

I’m developing a taste for user-group meetings. In my (fairly) recently assumed role as a member of the media, I’m only allowed into the keynotes, but from what I have seen, vendors work hard to make these fresh and compelling each year through big-bang product updates and industry/academic leaders talking about their work in bleeding-edge… Read More

Digital Design Trends – A Cadence Perspective

Digital Design Trends – A Cadence Perspective
by Bernard Murphy on 04-21-2016 at 7:00 am

I talked with Paul Cunningham (VP front-end digital R&D) at CDNLive recently to get a Cadence perspective on digital design trends. He sees needs from traditional semiconductor companies evolving as usual, with disruption here and there from consolidation. But on the system side there is explosion in demand – for wearables,… Read More

Cadence Adds New Dimension to SoC Test Solution

Cadence Adds New Dimension to SoC Test Solution
by Pawan Fangaria on 02-04-2016 at 7:00 am

It requires lateral thinking in bringing new innovation into conventional solutions to age-old hard problems. While the core logic design has evolved adding multiple functionalities onto a chip, now called SoC, the structural composition of DFT (Design for Testability) has remained more or less same based on XOR-based compression… Read More

Globalfoundries 22FDX Technology Shows Advantages in PPA over 28nm Node

Globalfoundries 22FDX Technology Shows Advantages in PPA over 28nm Node
by Tom Simon on 11-20-2015 at 7:00 am

I really enjoy ARM Techcon when it rolls around every year because it has such a wide range of topics and exhibits. You can find maker gadgets, IoT information, small boards for industrial control, software development kits, semiconductor IP vendors as well as the big EDA players and foundries. This year after perusing the exhibit… Read More