proteanTecs at the 2024 Design Automation Conference

proteanTecs at the 2024 Design Automation Conference
by Daniel Nenni on 06-20-2024 at 4:00 pm

DAC 2024 Banner

Meet with proteanTecs at DAC. Explore our full set of health and performance monitoring solutions. We’ll be showcasing our latest products and solutions, and we’d love to connect while you’re there. Visit booth #2417 to explore our health and performance monitoring solutions.

Also – Don’t miss out… Read More

Arm Automotive Update Stresses Prototyping for Software Development

Arm Automotive Update Stresses Prototyping for Software Development
by Bernard Murphy on 03-28-2024 at 6:00 am

Arm Automotive Update Stresses Prototyping for Software Development

If you were at all uncertain about auto OEM development priorities, the answer is becoming clear: to accelerate/shift left automotive software development and debug. At 100M lines of code and accelerating, this task is overshadowing all others. A recent Arm update from Dipti Vachani (SVP and GM for the Automotive Line of Business)… Read More

Preventing SOC Schedule Delays Using the Cloud

Preventing SOC Schedule Delays Using the Cloud
by Ronen Laviv on 12-25-2023 at 6:00 am

compute peaks 1

In my previous article, we touched on ways to pull in the schedule. This time I’d like to analyze how peak usage affects project timeline and cost. The above graph is based on real pattern taken from one development week in Annapurna Labs 5nm Graviton.

The Graph shows the number of variable servers per hour per day. There’s a baseline… Read More

Do you have Time to Pull in your Tapeout Schedule?

Do you have Time to Pull in your Tapeout Schedule?
by Ronen Laviv on 12-06-2023 at 10:00 am

schedule pullin

So… , we’re 4 months before tapeout. You were assigned to close place & route on three complex key blocks. You have 15 machines for the job, 5 per block.

You send your first batch, 5 runs per block. You’re not very surprised that your first batch fails. You modify the scripts, and run another batch. And… (Surprise… Read More

Insights into DevOps Trends in Hardware Design

Insights into DevOps Trends in Hardware Design
by Bernard Murphy on 08-09-2023 at 6:00 am


Periodically I like to check in on the unsung heroes behind the attention-grabbing world of design. I’m speaking of the people responsible for the development and deployment infrastructure on which we all depend – version control, testing, build, release – collectively known these days as DevOps (development operations). … Read More

An Automated Method to Ensure Designs Are Failure-Proof in the Field

An Automated Method to Ensure Designs Are Failure-Proof in the Field
by Rob vanBlommestein on 06-13-2023 at 6:00 am

fusa white paper semiwiki

I don’t know about you, but when I think of mission-critical applications, I immediately think of space exploration or military operations. But in today’s world, mission-critical applications are all around us. Think about the cloud and how data is managed, analyzed, and shared to execute any number of tasks that have safety … Read More

Arm 2022 Neoverse Update, Roadmap

Arm 2022 Neoverse Update, Roadmap
by Bernard Murphy on 09-27-2022 at 6:00 am

Neoverse update min

Arm recently provided their annual update on the Neoverse product line, targeting infrastructure from cloud to communication to the edge. Chris Bergey (SVP and GM for infrastructure) led the update, starting with a shock-and-awe pitch on Neoverse deployment. He played up that Arm-based servers are now in every major public … Read More

EDA in the Cloud with Siemens EDA at #59DAC

EDA in the Cloud with Siemens EDA at #59DAC
by Daniel Payne on 08-01-2022 at 10:00 am

craig johnson

Tuesday at DAC I had the pleasure of attending the Design on Cloud Theatre where experts from Siemens EDA gave an update on what they’ve been offering to IC and systems designers. I remember attending a cloud presentation from Craig Johnson in 2021, so I was keen to note what had changed in the past 12 months.

Industry Trends,

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Intel Foundry Services Puts PDKs in the Cloud

Intel Foundry Services Puts PDKs in the Cloud
by Daniel Nenni on 06-28-2022 at 10:00 am

Intel Foundry Services Roadmap

Intel announced today that they are partnering with cloud and EDA companies to better enable their foundry business. This is a natural extension of the Accelerator ecosystem program announced earlier. More and more chip designs are being done in the cloud and from my experience cloud based designs are better. Some companies use… Read More