Attending DAC in Austin for Free

Attending DAC in Austin for Free
by Daniel Payne on 04-23-2017 at 7:00 am

I’ve been attending DAC since the late 1980’s and can tell you that it’s an annual highlight for me and anyone else interested in the EDA, IP and semiconductor industries. Where else can you see most of the big and little vendors of EDA software, semiconductor IP and foundries in one place? I recently blogged aboutRead More

More on the Practical Uses of Automation

More on the Practical Uses of Automation
by Bernard Murphy on 04-18-2016 at 12:00 pm

There’s a good article in the March issue of the Communications of the ACM which follows a theme I commented in my “One, Two Many” post. But the CACM article has a better title: “Automation should be like Iron Man, not Ultron”.

For anyone who hasn’t seen the movies, Iron Man is a man (Tony Stark)… Read More