Primarius 2B
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Smartphones in Q1. Sammy Back On Top

Smartphones in Q1. Sammy Back On Top
by Paul McLellan on 05-04-2015 at 7:00 pm

Because it is such a major impact on the semiconductor industry, being the largest and fastest growing market ever, I follow the ups and down of the mobile industry. So what happened in Q1?

Total shipments are up 2% to a record (for Q1) 440 million units but that is down 16% from Q4 which remains the biggest quarter ever.

First thing is… Read More

The Curious Case of Samsung’s Shannon Chips

The Curious Case of Samsung’s Shannon Chips
by Majeed Ahmad on 05-03-2015 at 1:00 pm

The recent teardowns of Samsung Galaxy S6 smartphone have one thing written all over them: Samsung is doubling down on its logic business. Although most of the technology press coverage went to Exynos 7420, the first mobile SoC manufactured at the 14nm FinFET process, Samsung’s other logic chips inside the S6 handset equally… Read More

TSMC 10nm Readiness and 3DIC

TSMC 10nm Readiness and 3DIC
by Paul McLellan on 05-03-2015 at 1:00 am

At the TSMC Technology Symposium last month Suk Lee presented a lot of information on design enablement. Suk is an interesting guy with a unique background in ASIC, Semiconductor, EDA, and now Foundry. In baseball terms that would be like playing infield, outfield, home plate, and umpire!

Around the turn of the millennium Suk actually… Read More

Why Intel will Never Succeed in IoT Market?

Why Intel will Never Succeed in IoT Market?
by Eric Esteve on 05-02-2015 at 4:18 am

Let me precise that by “IoT” I think about the IoT devices market, made of hundreds of application, wearable gadget to medical, home automation, and so on. One direct consequence of IoT (device) market explosion will be the strong growth of the server market (cloud), to transfer, compute and store information generated by the billions… Read More

Extending Moore in Silicon

Extending Moore in Silicon
by Daniel Nenni on 04-30-2015 at 7:00 am

A year ago many eulogized the death of Moore’s Law at 28nm due to higher prices per transistor at more advanced nodes, but now that we have celebrated the 50th anniversary let’s look ahead to technology scaling and electronic systems miniaturization for the next decade. Despite our industry’s bipolar tendencies and daunting technical… Read More

Single Chip MCU + DSP Architecture for Automotive: SAMV71

Single Chip MCU + DSP Architecture for Automotive: SAMV71
by Eric Esteve on 04-29-2015 at 7:00 pm

It’s all about Cost of Ownership (CoO) and system level integration. If you target automotive related application, like audio or video processing or control of systems (Motor control, Inverter…) you need to integrate strong performance capable MCU with a DSP. In fact if you expect your system to support Audio Video Bridging (AVB)… Read More

Motley Fooled by FinFETs!

Motley Fooled by FinFETs!
by Daniel Nenni on 04-28-2015 at 10:00 pm

There was an article on Motley Fool recently detailing Intel’s 14nm FinFETs and comparing them to TSMC. Unfortunately the author has zero semiconductor education or experience even though he writes with authority on all things semiconductor. He also has no shame in using outdated papers from conferences he did not even… Read More

GlobalFoundries: 14 in 15 in 8

GlobalFoundries: 14 in 15 in 8
by Paul McLellan on 04-26-2015 at 1:00 am

How is that for a cryptic title? It is GlobalFoundries’ rallying cry. Their big focus is to bring up 14nm during 2015 in fab 8 in Malta NY.

Last week I chatted to Shubhankar Basu. He is the senior product line manager for leading edge technologies. Not surprisingly, that means he is currently leading the 14nm FinFET business. He told… Read More

2015 Semiconductor Capex led by Memory & Foundry

2015 Semiconductor Capex led by Memory & Foundry
by Bill Jewell on 04-25-2015 at 7:00 am

Semiconductor industry capital expenditures (capex) in 2015 are expected to be $69 billion in 2015, up 6% from $65 billion in 2014 according to IC Insights. We at Semiconductor Intelligence have compiled 2015 capex outlook by company. The major memory companies account for 38% of 2015 capex and the major foundries account for … Read More

Shift-West of Semicon Power Centers

Shift-West of Semicon Power Centers
by Pawan Fangaria on 04-23-2015 at 5:00 pm

It’s true that Japan was once the center of semiconductor business and we were carrying on with that perception until recently. In 1990, six out of top10 semiconductor companies (excluding pure-play foundries) were in Japan; and 59% of worldwide semiconductor market was concentrated with the top10 companies. The semiconductor… Read More