Primarius 2B

Chip Synthesis at DAC

Chip Synthesis at DAC
by Paul McLellan on 06-27-2012 at 8:30 pm

I visited Oasys Design Systems and talked to Craig Robbins, their VP sales. For the first time this year, Oasys has a theater presentations and demos of RealTime Designer which are open to anyone attending the show. In previous years, they have had suite demos for appropriately qualified potential customers but outside they have… Read More

TSMC Threater Presentation: Lorentz Solution!

TSMC Threater Presentation: Lorentz Solution!
by Daniel Nenni on 06-26-2012 at 8:30 pm

Lorentz Solution presented at TSMC’s DAC 2012 Open Innovation Platform Theater. The presenter was Lorentz Sales Director, Tom Simon. He presented what Lorentz calls its Electromagnetic Design and Analysis Platform. One of the main points of the talk was the cooperative work that Lorentz does with TSMC.

TSMC and Lorentz work … Read More

Robustness, Reliability and Yield at DAC

Robustness, Reliability and Yield at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 06-26-2012 at 8:15 pm

On Wednesday at DAC I met with Bob Slee, distributor and Michael Siu, AE for MunEDA to get an update on what’s new. MunEDA has EDA software for:

  • Schematic porting
  • Nominal circuit analysis
  • Nominal circuit optimization
  • Statistical circuit analysis
  • Statistical circuit optimization
  • IP porting
  • Circuit model generation
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Microsoft Messes Up Mobile Even More…and Already Went Thermonuclear

Microsoft Messes Up Mobile Even More…and Already Went Thermonuclear
by Paul McLellan on 06-25-2012 at 11:01 pm

Ed wrote recently about Microsoft going thermonuclear. I think that they already did. Ed wrote about Microsoft’s tablet announcement. The second announcement is a sort of follow up to my blog on what will happen to Nokia.

Two big announcements, the first one is that Microsoft is going to produce its own tablet computers (MiPads … Read More

AMS Simulation Update from Mentor Graphics at DAC

AMS Simulation Update from Mentor Graphics at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 06-25-2012 at 12:36 pm

I met with Jay Madiraju of Mentor Graphics on Wednesday at DAC to get an update on their AMS simulation products. We worked together at Mentor back when Mach TA was being developed as a Fast SPICE circuit simulator.… Read More

FinFET Standard Cells at DAC

FinFET Standard Cells at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 06-25-2012 at 11:45 am

Rajiv Bhateja, Dhrumil Gandhi and Neal Carney met with me at DAC on Wednesday to give an update on what’s new in 2012 for Tela Innovations, a provider of lithography optimized IP and tools. This team has a rich history in EDA and IP from companies like: ARM, Artisan, Mentor Graphics and Silicon Compilers.… Read More

TSMC Theater Presentation: Apache

TSMC Theater Presentation: Apache
by Paul McLellan on 06-25-2012 at 12:13 am

At the TSMC Theater Apache (don’t forget, now a subsidary of Ansys) talked about Emerging Challenges for Power, Signal and Reliability Verification on 3D-IC and Silicon Interposer Designs. The more I see about the costs and challenges of 20/22nm and below, the more I think that these 3D and 2.5D approaches are going to be … Read More