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An Approach to Clock Domain Crossing for SoC Designs

An Approach to Clock Domain Crossing for SoC Designs
by Daniel Payne on 07-06-2014 at 12:20 am

Blogger Pawan Fangaria wrote about Clock Domain Crossing(CDC) a few weeks ago, and so I followed up tonight and watched a webinarabout CDC presented by Ravindra Anejaof Atrenta. An RTL design engineer would ultimately want a CDC verification tool that offers:

  • Fast throughput and thoroughness
  • Ability to debug and fix the source
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Solar Leases, How to Not Get Gouged by PG&E

Solar Leases, How to Not Get Gouged by PG&E
by mbriggs on 07-05-2014 at 12:00 pm

This post will be of primary interest to California residents.

If you haven’t looked closely at your PG&E bill, this may ruin your day. If you live in a house larger than a cracker box, and actually use your lights and air conditioning, the rates you pay are exorbitant. If you live in WA you’ll be paying .06-.08 per … Read More

July 4th Fireworks

July 4th Fireworks
by Paul McLellan on 07-05-2014 at 9:00 am

It was July 4th yesterday. Fireworks. I didn’t go down to the waterfront to see them in San Francisco this year, I was in a “place” (that might possibly have served beer) having fun. But it reminded me of this a couple of years ago. On July 4th 2012 the San Diego fireworks display, one of the biggest in the world, detonated… Read More

Mentor Graphics @ SEMICON West 2014

Mentor Graphics @ SEMICON West 2014
by Daniel Nenni on 07-04-2014 at 10:00 pm

Mentor is again the most represented EDA company at SEMICON West this year. I strongly advise Cadence and Synopsys to get more involved because EDA may be where electronics begins but semiconductor manufacturing makes all of our hard work come true, absolutely. Paul McLellan, Beth Martin, and I will be blogging live, I hope to see… Read More

GlobalFoundries Goes to Semicon West

GlobalFoundries Goes to Semicon West
by Paul McLellan on 07-04-2014 at 8:38 pm

Next week it is Semicon West, the big equipment vendor tradeshow. I love to go since EDA and semiconductor and all the stuff we are interested in here at Semiwiki are driven by equipment capabilities, especially lithography. The highest viewed blogs I write tend to be ones on technologies that are just a bit out beyond the stuff people… Read More

It’s Always Good If the Customer Is Arguing

It’s Always Good If the Customer Is Arguing
by Paul McLellan on 07-04-2014 at 2:41 am

I’ve never been in sales. Never “carried a bag”. But I have run sales forces and I have spent a lot of time in marketing, guiding sales forces. Well, herding cats comes to mind, but cats don’t have commission plans. Engineers say sales people are emotional, and ego-driven, but change their commission plans… Read More

Intel is Speaking @ SEMICON West 2014!

Intel is Speaking @ SEMICON West 2014!
by Daniel Nenni on 07-03-2014 at 8:00 am

The SEMICON West website has a nice “speakers” option where you can search by company and see who is talking about what. I’m always interested in what Intel has to say (they are still the leading semiconductor company) so here is the line-up for next week:

Intel Sanchali Bhattacharjee Subcomponent Supply Chain for 10nm and BeyondRead More

In Case You Missed #51DAC

In Case You Missed #51DAC
by Daniel Nenni on 07-02-2014 at 9:50 am

This will probably end up being the most memorable DAC for us since Paul and I signed hundreds of copies of our book “Fabless: The Transformation of the Semiconductor Industry”. I’m not sure how we are going to top that next year but I’m confident we will think of something. If you want to catch up on the live blogs from the last three conferences… Read More

So Easy To Learn VIP Integration into UVM Environment

So Easy To Learn VIP Integration into UVM Environment
by Pawan Fangaria on 07-02-2014 at 7:30 am

It goes without saying that VIPs really play a Very Important Part in SoC verification today. It has created a significant semiconductor market segment in the fabless world of SoC and IP design & verification. In order to meet the aggressive time-to-market for IPs and SoCs, it’s imperative that readymade VIPs which are proven… Read More