SNPS1376262937 hybrid c800x100 px (3)

CTO Interview with Dr. Wim Schoenmaker of Magwel

CTO Interview with Dr. Wim Schoenmaker of Magwel
by Daniel Payne on 12-09-2014 at 7:00 pm

I visited the Magwel booth at DAC in June and chatted with Dundar Dumlugol the CEO about their EDA tools that enable 3D co-simulation and extraction. Since then I’ve made contact with their CTO, Dr. Wim Schoenmaker to better understand what it’s like to start up and run an EDA company. Magwel’s history goes back… Read More

Synthesizing rad-tolerant RTL for FPGAs

Synthesizing rad-tolerant RTL for FPGAs
by Don Dingee on 12-09-2014 at 4:00 pm

The maiden voyage of NASA’s Orion spacecraft brought a raft of articles about how the flight computer inside is “no smarter than your phone,” running on wheezing IBM PowerPC 750FX processors. NASA’s deputy manager for Orion avionics, Matt Lemke, admits the configuration is already obsolete – at least in commercial terms. … Read More

What Will Drive Smartphone Market Now?

What Will Drive Smartphone Market Now?
by Pawan Fangaria on 12-09-2014 at 7:00 am

Whenever a market matures, either it gets plagued by substitutes or it looks for complementary products or technologies which can fuel its maturation curve into further growth opportunities. While PCs and Notebooks got substituted by smartphones, there is no other device in foresight to substitute smartphones. The reason … Read More

A brief history of the Internet of Things

A brief history of the Internet of Things
by Majeed Ahmad on 12-08-2014 at 2:00 pm

The Internet of Things (IoT) is apparently the next big thing, but it tends to appear in different ways to different people. To some it’s all about connectivity of the web of devices and to other it’s synonymous with sensors and wearable devices. And the scope of IoT is expanding by the day—to smart lighting, smart thermostats, smart… Read More

TSMC Bringing EUV Into Production

TSMC Bringing EUV Into Production
by Paul McLellan on 12-08-2014 at 7:00 am

Last week was ASML’s investor day. I wasn’t there and they haven’t yet got the material posted on their website, so this is all second hand information. As you know, if you have read any of my comments on EUV, I have been dubious about whether EUV would ever work for production.

The three big problems seem to be:

  • source
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Xilinx the EDA Company

Xilinx the EDA Company
by Luke Miller on 12-07-2014 at 7:00 pm

Like you I cannot believe 2015 is upon us. 15 years ago I remember the Y2K panic. I remember watching the news and noticed the liberal media (they were liberal back then too) just waiting for the first fail somewhere. Ended up like Geraldo at the opening of Al Capone’s Vault. Remember that one? As I persist on with this word salad may I … Read More

eSilicon’s IP Marketplace

eSilicon’s IP Marketplace
by Paul McLellan on 12-07-2014 at 9:00 am

eSilicon engages with customers in many different ways, from providing a full menu of design services down to simply manufacturing parts. Increasingly, they have been automating a lot of this on their website. It started with automatic quotes for MPW shuttles and more recently they have a full production quote system for parts… Read More

TSMC Sees More Growth in 2015!

TSMC Sees More Growth in 2015!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-06-2014 at 8:00 pm

As I wait for my plane to Taiwan I’m wondering what the New Year has in store for the fabless semiconductor ecosystem. Good things I hope but to make sure let’s take another look at one of my trusted economic bellwethers (TSMC) which I’m guessing will break the $25B revenue mark this year. That is more than a 25% growth rate year… Read More

Which IP for FD-SOI Ecosystem?

Which IP for FD-SOI Ecosystem?
by Eric Esteve on 12-06-2014 at 3:00 pm

We know that the best technology or product, even if it exhibits best in class and unmatched features, is almost of no use if lacking an ecosystem. If you think about a processor core, you will expect to find compatible communication bus and memories (inside the SoC) and operating system, compiler, debugger, etc. When dealing with… Read More

Synopsys Q4 Earnings

Synopsys Q4 Earnings
by Paul McLellan on 12-06-2014 at 11:02 am

Synopsys announced their earnings a couple of days ago. This is actually also the end of their fiscal year. They had quarterly earnings of $539M meaning that they did just over $2B for the year. Their guidance for fiscal 2015 is revenue between $2.185B to $2.225B. They said that about 80% of that revenue is already in backlog.

But it… Read More