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Udacity, Open Source Autonomous Cars

Arthur Hanson

Well-known member
Open source has accelerated many technologies and doing so with transportation could be the game changer. This will be a huge market for software and semiconductors of almost all types. Uber is just expanding into trucking with autonomous trucking also. Between the two, this should provide a rapidly growing market for bringing automation to transportation. If it can be done with a cars and trucks, it will soon be done with trains, planes and ships. This will be one of the fast growing market for semis of every type and also materials made using semi technology. This is but one example of many of semis becoming one of the foundations of the modern world, just like steel became a foundation years ago. Automation of everything will drive the semi market and change our world social structure in ways we haven't imagined. Automation technology is just in its early phases and will penetrate every function at an ever accelerating rate, limited only by the imagination. As different areas automate, the speed of adoption will pick up even more feeding on itself and all areas of automation cross pollinate each other, causing even faster development and implementation. Politics will play a large part as different trades and professions will try to block automation when they should be embracing it. Even R&D will become increasingly automated and feed upon itself. As a society we will have the difficult task of learning to embrace and harness automation to benefit everyone, for if not the social and economic implications could be as disastrous as they are promising. This will be the largest market for semis I feel in the future as it will use all phases and types of semis and semi technology.

Open Source Self-Driving Car | Udacity
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