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New at DAC: IP, Automotive, Security

New at DAC: IP, Automotive, Security
by Paul McLellan on 10-18-2013 at 12:09 pm

 The deadline for panel sessions, workshops, tutorials and co-located conferences for DAC 2014 is October 21st. That’s next Monday!

DAC 2014 will not only focus on EDA and embedded systems and software but
also include:

  • design methods for automotive systems and software
  • hardware and embedded systems security
  • IP (semiconductor intellectual property)

Automotive Track
Starting in 2014, the 51st Design Automation Conference (DAC) will feature an automotive track to bring together researchers and practitioners from the automotive domain with their counterparts from the embedded systems and software (ESS) domains and the electronic design automation (EDA) space.

Modern cars have complex distributed architectures with hundreds of processors, heterogeneous communication systems and several million lines of software. Designing such hardware and software systems involves myriad challenges spanning safety, reliability, security, verification, and certification issues.

This new automotive track will cover the horizontal themes above in automotive embedded systems to address the emerging vertical areas, such as autonomous and advanced driver assistance systems, electric and hybrid vehicles, and electro-mobility. The track will showcase design methods for automotive systems and software, highlight current challenges and emerging solutions, and explore the road ahead.

Partnership with the ESS and EDA communities at DAC will drive synergy among the automotive systems, ESS and EDA communities. Furthermore, it will provide the automotive community the opportunity to capitalize on existing tools and methodologies and also to play an active role in defining solutions for future challenges.

Deadline for submissions: November 22, 2013
Notification of acceptance: February 18, 2014

Hardware and Embedded System Security Track
Integrated Circuit (IC) and embedded system design is globalized. Consequently, designers and users of ICs, Intellectual Property (IP) and embedded systems are beginning to re-assess their trust in these systems.

These systems are vulnerable to a variety of hardware-centric attacks: side channel analysis, reverse engineering, IP piracy, hardware trojans and counterfeiting. An attacker, anywhere in this globally distributed design flow, can reverse engineer the functionality of an IC/IP, steal and claim ownership of the IP and introduce counterfeits into the supply chain.

An untrusted fab may overbuild ICs and sell them illegally. Rogue elements in a fab may insert hardware trojans into the design without the knowledge of the designer or the end-user of the IC. The semiconductor industry routinely loses over $4 billion annually due to these attacks.

The Security Track at DAC highlights the emergence of security and trust as an important dimension of Hardware and Embedded Systems Design (side-by-side power, performance, and reliability).

Deadline for submissions: November 22, 2013
Notification of acceptance: February 18, 2014

DAC will serve the IP industry (developers and users alike) by focusing on the following important topical areas in the design and integration of IP components:

  • Design, modeling and implementation of IP components and their representation to ensure smooth integration into SoC’s.
  • Creation of an environment where IP developers can capitalize on DAC’s attendance to enhance the existing synergistic ecosystem involving IP companies, SoC developers, foundries and EDA companies to satisfy their current and future business and engineering needs.
  • Executive presentations, keynote addresses and meetings involving leaders from the IP industry
  • Exhibit space
  • Enable IP companies to showcase their products and capabilities to support the current market opportunities and potential expanded market opportunities
  • Demonstrate EDA tools and flows that support IP development and application

DAC itself is June 1st-5th 2014 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Registration will open March 27th. And watch semiwiki in May for information on where to eat and drink and what to see in this great city.

And if you are the kind of person who likes to get these things in your calendar as soon as possible (like me) then June 8-12th 2015 DAC will also be in Moscone San Francisco.

More information on the DAC website here.

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