Primarius 2B
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Micron Misses (MU) – No surprise – Needs focus on NAND/XPoint not diving DRAM

Micron Misses (MU) – No surprise – Needs focus on NAND/XPoint not diving DRAM
by Robert Maire on 12-26-2015 at 12:00 pm

We are surprised that everyone is surprised at DRAM, DRAM oversupply/weak demand is systemic so Micron needs to focus on NAND/XPoint.We find it somewhat amusing that many “analysts” were caught off guard about the weakness in Microns results and poor guidance. Why would you think DRAM would be OK???…Have Read More

Connections to Internet Drives Semiconductors

Connections to Internet Drives Semiconductors
by Pawan Fangaria on 12-26-2015 at 7:00 am

We are going to see a big reversal in what connects to the internet in next five years. At the start of this century there were about 488 million internet connections; 85% of those were connected to people for web browsing, e-mails, on-line services etc. and only 15% were used for embedded systems, remote sensing and control, and M2M… Read More

China’s chip plans an economic attack on Taiwan?

China’s chip plans an economic attack on Taiwan?
by Robert Maire on 12-22-2015 at 7:00 am

An economic “bear hug” cold war invasion? If China can’t get Taiwan by politics or force maybe it can get them by a backdoor economic takeover starting at their most crucial spot – Chips. An ulterior motive for China’s semiconductor aspirations, the $100B silicon Trojan Horse?

Its quite clear … Read More

Why Medical IoT is Set to Take Off!

Why Medical IoT is Set to Take Off!
by Rajeev Rajan on 12-21-2015 at 7:00 am

In a recent SemiWiki post, “Why Medical IoT Won’t Take Off,” the author raised some very interesting points on why certain IoT applications won’t succeed. But, it’s important that these points are looked at holistically, within context, and compared to other IoT features that are already improving health by increasing… Read More

IEDM Blogs – Part 3 – Global Foundries 22FDX Briefing

IEDM Blogs – Part 3 – Global Foundries 22FDX Briefing
by Scotten Jones on 12-18-2015 at 12:00 pm

While I was at IEDM I had an opportunity to sit down with Subramani (Subi) Kengeri, the Vice President, General Management, CMOS Platforms Business Unit and Jason Gorss from corporate marketing at Global Foundries (GF) for a briefing on GF’s new 22FDX process technology.

Subi told me his background was in design but that he is now… Read More

Why Did Apple Buy a Fab?

Why Did Apple Buy a Fab?
by Scotten Jones on 12-16-2015 at 4:00 pm

It was announced today that Apple has purchased a 200mm fab located in San Jose from Maxim Integrated Products for $18.2 million dollars. My initial reaction to this announcement was shock but then I started thinking through what Apple might use the fab for and I concluded this announcement is less significant and surprising than… Read More

IEDM Blogs – Part 2 – Memory Short Course

IEDM Blogs – Part 2 – Memory Short Course
by Scotten Jones on 12-16-2015 at 12:00 pm

Each year the Sunday before IEDM two short courses are offered. This year I attended Memory Technologies for Future Systems held on Sunday, December 6[SUP]th[/SUP]. I have been to several of these short courses over the years and they are a great way to keep up to date on the latest technology.… Read More

Tis the Season to be kWh Wasteful!

Tis the Season to be kWh Wasteful!
by Alex Lidow on 12-16-2015 at 7:00 am

As the world gears up for the upcoming holiday shopping season, the technology needed by online retailers to meet demands will bring with it many unintended negative byproducts: increased inefficiency, waste and pollution, to name a few. Online sales are expected to grow by 12 percent in the holiday season, on top of an already Read More

Why Connect to the Cloud with Atmel SMART SAM W25?

Why Connect to the Cloud with Atmel SMART SAM W25?
by Eric Esteve on 12-15-2015 at 4:00 pm

Atmel SMART SAM W25 is in fact a module, Atmel names it “SmartConnect Module”. As far as I am concerned I like SmartConnect designation and I think it could be used to describe any IoT edge device. The device is “smart” as it includes a processing unit, in this case ARM Cortex M0 based SAMD21G, and “connect” remind the Internet part of… Read More

Freescale Semiconductor: The End of a Long Journey

Freescale Semiconductor: The End of a Long Journey
by Majeed Ahmad on 12-15-2015 at 7:00 am

“You don’t argue with success,” said Paul Galvin back in 1949 at the creation of a new venture that would eventually become known as Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector. He was referring to how Daniel E. Noble, one of Motorola’s top managers, had persuaded him to set up a small electronics research… Read More