Keysight webinar 800x100
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Intel Spreadtrum ARM SoCs

Intel Spreadtrum ARM SoCs
by Daniel Nenni on 12-27-2016 at 12:00 pm

In June of 2013 Edward Snowden copied and leaked classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA). His actions exposed numerous surveillance programs that many governments around the world reacted to, including China. In September of 2013 China Vice Premier Ma Kai declared semiconductors a key sector for the … Read More


by Scotten Jones on 12-16-2016 at 4:00 pm

At IEDM in 2015 I had a chance to sit down with Subramani (Subi) Kengeri and get a briefing on GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX technology. At IEDM 2016 Rick Carter of GLOBALFOUNDRIES presented a paper on 22FDX. Following Rick’s presentation, I had a chance to sit down with Rick and John Pellerin, VP of Technology and Integration and … Read More


by Daniel Nenni on 12-15-2016 at 7:00 am

Back in my IP days we spent a lot of time with the ASIC companies chasing multi-million dollar licensing deals. IBM was a fierce ASIC competitor back then with leading edge processes and a silicon proven IP catalog that was unmatched.

Unfortunately that ended at 65nm as the pure-play foundries (TSMC and UMC) and fabless ASIC companies… Read More

An End of Year View of Semi Consolidation

An End of Year View of Semi Consolidation
by Bernard Murphy on 12-14-2016 at 7:00 am

The last couple of years have been tumultuous for the semiconductor market. IC Insights just released a report showing just how much consolidation has concentrated market strength in a small number of companies. The report (which excludes fabs) shows that the 5 top companies – Intel, Samsung, Qualcomm, Broadcom and SK Hynix – … Read More

Advanced Semiconductor Process Cost Trends

Advanced Semiconductor Process Cost Trends
by Scotten Jones on 12-13-2016 at 4:00 pm

The cost trend for leading edge semiconductor technologies is a subject of some controversy in the industry. Cost is a complex issue with many interacting factors and much of the information out in the industry is in my opinion misleading or incorrect. In this article, I will discuss each of the factors as well as present a view of … Read More

Design for Fanout Packaging

Design for Fanout Packaging
by Bernard Murphy on 12-12-2016 at 12:00 pm

In constant pursuit of improved performance, power and cost, chip and system designers always want to integrate more functions together because this minimizes inter-device loads (affecting performance and power) and bill of materials on the board (affecting cost). However it generally isn’t possible to integrate … Read More

Thin film Semiconductor Solutions for an Energy-Efficient Future

Thin film Semiconductor Solutions for an Energy-Efficient Future
by Anuja More on 11-27-2016 at 4:00 pm

For an industry with an estimated revenue potential of $22 billion by 2022, and a CAGR of 14% throughout 2016–2022, the slightest innovation in current modules holds considerable profit potential. The thin film semiconductor market has evolved from the previous generation of semiconductor electronics in the best interests… Read More

5 of the Top 20 Semiconductor Suppliers to Show Double-Digit Gains in 2016!

5 of the Top 20 Semiconductor Suppliers to Show Double-Digit Gains in 2016!
by Daniel Nenni on 11-15-2016 at 4:00 pm

Semiconductor Market Researcher IC Insights released an update to the 2016 semiconductor sales forecast which is interesting on many different levels. It really has been an exciting year for the semiconductor industry, absolutely. Two of the stars of this year’s report happen to be two of my favorite fabless companies, Nvidia… Read More

EUV transition comes into focus

EUV transition comes into focus
by Robert Maire on 11-04-2016 at 12:00 pm

We attended ASML’s analyst day in New York on Halloween. We were very impressed with the quality, content and clarity of the presentations and thought it was one of the best strategic positioning presentations we have seen in the semi industry. We also had an opportunity to meet with several members of senior management afterRead More