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Intel – "Inside" good markets, outside bad- Huge potential in Memory & Photonics

Intel – "Inside" good markets, outside bad- Huge potential in Memory & Photonics
by Robert Maire on 09-11-2015 at 2:00 am

Intel’s lack of exposure to handsets/China is now a positive rather than a negative

Intel’s strength in “cloud” & servers avoids much consumer weakness in China & developing Markets

Crosspoint has huge upside- Coupled with Photonics it fortifies Intel server dominance

The shoe is on the otherRead More

The Intel Apple Deal is a Nothingburger!

The Intel Apple Deal is a Nothingburger!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-15-2015 at 12:00 am

The latest Intel rumor that the pro Intel media are flogging is that Intel modems will be in some of the new iPhones. The deal is estimated at around $1B. An “estimated” value of a “rumor” deal is quite funny in itself but let’s take a deeper look at what we are gossiping about here.

Intel got into the 3G/LTE business after acquiring the… Read More

Intel: Their Week in the Spotlight

Intel: Their Week in the Spotlight
by Paul McLellan on 08-13-2015 at 3:00 pm

Next week is the Intel Developer Forum (IDF) here in San Francisco at the Moscone Center. I’ll be there at least some of the time. But it is also the time that people who haven’t a clue about semiconductors and the market that it serves get to lap up press releases and try and sound intelligent.

For example:
Intel is aboutRead More

Make American Semiconductor Great Again!

Make American Semiconductor Great Again!
by Daniel Nenni on 08-10-2015 at 4:00 pm

As I watched the GOP debate between the top 10 candidates last week I asked myself which one of those men would I pick to help the United States stay competitive in the semiconductor industry. I’m saddened to say that the only candidate even remotely qualified for that conversation in my opinion is Donald Trump. Of course I backed Ross… Read More

Intel to Skip 10nm to Stay Ahead of TSMC and Samsung?

Intel to Skip 10nm to Stay Ahead of TSMC and Samsung?
by Daniel Nenni on 07-23-2015 at 12:00 pm

Quarterly earning calls are a great source of information but they can also be a source of confusion and generally it is an unhealthy combination of the two. On one hand these earning calls are to appease the financial community. On the other hand, in my opinion, these calls are also used to generate fear, uncertainty, and doubt amongst… Read More

Who Needs to Lead at the 14, 10 and 7nm nodes

Who Needs to Lead at the 14, 10 and 7nm nodes
by Scotten Jones on 07-11-2015 at 12:00 pm

IBM recently disclosed a working 7nm test chip generating a lot of excitement in the semiconductor industry and also in the mainstream media. In this article I wanted to explore the 14nm, 10nm and 7nm nodes, the status of the key competitors at each node and what it may mean for the companies.

Read More

Intel 10nm delay confirmed by Tick Tock arrhythmia leak-"The Missing Tick"

Intel 10nm delay confirmed by Tick Tock arrhythmia leak-"The Missing Tick"
by Robert Maire on 07-06-2015 at 7:00 am

Our 6/15 report of more 10nm Intel delays confirmed by leaked info…
The delay appears to have interrupted Intel’s Tick Tock cadence…
Kabylake replaces Skylake – Cannonlake pushed out over horizon?

The news we broke is now confirmed…
On 6/15 we put out a report that broke the news of further delays… Read More