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Identity and Data Encryption for PCIe and CXL Security

Identity and Data Encryption for PCIe and CXL Security
by Tom Simon on 01-07-2022 at 6:00 am

Security for Cloud Applications

Privacy and security have always been a concern when it comes to computing. In prior decades for most people this meant protecting passwords and locking your computer. However, today more and more users are storing sensitive data in the cloud, where it needs to be protected at rest and while in motion. In a Synopsys webinar Dana Neustadter,… Read More

High-Performance Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Constrained Embedded Systems

High-Performance Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Constrained Embedded Systems
by Kalar Rajendiran on 11-30-2021 at 6:00 am

Demonstrator Block Diagram

Current technology news is filled with talk of many edge applications moving processing from the cloud to the edge. One of the presentations at the recently concluded Linley Group Fall Processor Conference was about AI moving from the cloud to the edge. Rightly so, there were several sessions dedicated to discussing AI and edge… Read More

Lecture Series: Designing a Time Interleaved ADC for 5G Automotive Applications

Lecture Series: Designing a Time Interleaved ADC for 5G Automotive Applications
by Kalar Rajendiran on 11-01-2021 at 6:00 am

Slide AMS Lecture Series Snapshot

A recent educational virtual event with the above title was jointly sponsored by Synopsys and Global Foundries. The objective was to bring awareness to state-of-the-art mixed-signal design practices for automotive circuits. The 2-day event comprised of lectures delivered by engineering professors and doctoral students… Read More

Synopsys’ ARC® DSP IP for Low-Power Embedded Applications

Synopsys’ ARC® DSP IP for Low-Power Embedded Applications
by Kalar Rajendiran on 09-30-2021 at 10:00 am

Key Applications Driving PPA Optimized Signal Processing

On Sep 20th, Synopsys announced an expansion of its DesignWare® ARC® Processor IP portfolio with new 128-bit ARC VPX2 and 256-bit ARC VPX3 DSP Processors targeting low-power embedded SoCs. In 2019, the company had launched a 512-bit ARC VPX5 DSP processor for high-performance signal processing SoCs. Due to the length, format… Read More

Synopsys’ Complete 800G Ethernet Solutions

Synopsys’ Complete 800G Ethernet Solutions
by Kalar Rajendiran on 08-12-2021 at 10:00 am

Evolution of Ethernet Speeds

If I ask the question, “What has grown 4,000x over the last twenty-five years?”, most people will start throwing names of some stocks. Although various stock markets have had crazy run ups and yes, there is a stock that has grown 2,500x over that period of time, the answer to the 4,000x question is not a stock. What if I modify the question… Read More

Safety + Security for Automotive SoCs with ASIL B Compliant tRoot HSMs

Safety + Security for Automotive SoCs with ASIL B Compliant tRoot HSMs
by Kalar Rajendiran on 06-30-2021 at 10:00 am

New Architectures Reshaping Auto SoCs

Automotive segment is a market that has historically been supported by a few select suppliers within the semiconductor ecosystem. Over the last decade, this market has transitioned from just being about reliability, performance, fuel efficiency, etc., to placing equal importance to user experience. This user experience … Read More

IoT’s Inconvenient Truth: IoT Security Is a Never-Ending Battle

IoT’s Inconvenient Truth: IoT Security Is a Never-Ending Battle
by Dana Neustadter on 06-01-2021 at 10:00 am

IoTs Inconvenient Truth IoT Security Is a Never Ending Battle

The continued innovation and widespread adoption of connected devices — the internet of things (IoT) — has resulted in a vast range of conveniences that improve our lives every day. At the same time, the ubiquity of IoT devices, which market watchers estimate to be in the tens of billions, also makes it more attractive to bad actors… Read More

Upping the Safety Game Plan for Automotive SoCs

Upping the Safety Game Plan for Automotive SoCs
by Rich Collins on 05-20-2021 at 10:00 am

Upping the Safety Game Plan for Automotive SoCs

Thanks to advanced hardware and software, smart vehicles are improving with every generation. Capabilities that once seemed far-off and futuristic—from automatic braking to self-driving at the very pinnacle—are now either standard or within reach. However, considering how vehicle architectures have continued to evolve,… Read More

PCIe 6.0 Doubles Speed with New Modulation Technique

PCIe 6.0 Doubles Speed with New Modulation Technique
by Tom Simon on 04-26-2021 at 6:00 am

PCIe 6.0 Eye

PCI-SIG has held to doubling PCIe’s data rate with each revision of the specification. The consortium of 800 companies, with its board consisting of Agilent, AMD, Dell, HP, Intel, Synopsys, NVIDIA, and Qualcomm, is continuing this trend with the PCIe 6.0 specification which calls for a transfer rate of 64 GT/s. PCI-SIG released… Read More

How PCI Express 6.0 Can Enhance Bandwidth-Hungry High-Performance Computing SoCs

How PCI Express 6.0 Can Enhance Bandwidth-Hungry High-Performance Computing SoCs
by gruggles on 04-12-2021 at 2:00 pm

How PCI Express 6.0 Can Enhance Bandwidth Hungry High Performance Computing SoCs

What do genome sequencing, engineering modeling and simulation, and big data analytics have in common? They’re all bandwidth-hungry applications with complex data workloads. High-performance computing (HPC) systems deliver the parallel processing capabilities to generate detailed and valuable insights from these applications.

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