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Arteris logo bk org rgb
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How to Bring Coherency to the World of Cache Memory

How to Bring Coherency to the World of Cache Memory
by Tom Simon on 07-11-2016 at 12:00 pm

As the size and complexity of System On Chip design has rapidly expanded in recent years, the need to use cache memory to improve throughput and reduce power has increased as well. Originally, cache memory was used to prevent what was then a single processor from making expensive off chip access for program or data memory. With the… Read More

Arteris Unveils Solution for Heterogeneous Cache Coherent SOC’s

Arteris Unveils Solution for Heterogeneous Cache Coherent SOC’s
by Tom Simon on 05-30-2016 at 12:00 pm

Designing SOC’s for markets like automotive and mobile electronics requires taking advantage of every opportunity for optimization. One way to do this is through building a cache coherent system to boost speed and reduce power. Recently, NXP decided to go about this on their automotive MCU based SOC’s by using Arteris’ just-announced… Read More

Cache Coherent Systems Get a Boost from New Technology

Cache Coherent Systems Get a Boost from New Technology
by Tom Simon on 05-20-2016 at 12:00 pm

The speed and power penalties for accessing system RAM affect everything from artificial intelligence platforms to IoT sensor nodes. There is a huge power and performance overhead when the various IP blocks in an SOC need to go to DRAM. Memory caches have become essential to SOC design to reduce these adverse effects. However, … Read More

Enterprise SSD SOC’s Call for a Different Interconnect Approach

Enterprise SSD SOC’s Call for a Different Interconnect Approach
by Tom Simon on 03-01-2016 at 12:00 pm

The move to SSD storage for enterprise use brings with it the need for difficult to design enterprise capable SSD controller SOC’s. The benefits of SSD in hyperscale data centers are clear. SSD’s offer higher reliability due to the elimination of moving parts. They have a smaller foot print, use less power and offer much better performance.… Read More

Smart TV Chipset: 4 Key Takeaways from Interconnect IP

Smart TV Chipset: 4 Key Takeaways from Interconnect IP
by Majeed Ahmad on 01-26-2016 at 4:00 pm

The ultra high-definition (UHD) or 4K TV hardware is leading to insanely powerful chipsets in the age of Netflix, and that is taking the system-on-chip (SoC) design to a whole new level of complexity. Take the case of Samsung’s new chipset for SUHD TVs that boasts more than 100 IP interfaces.

Here, apart from the usual suspects… Read More

How Wireless Modem IP is Aiding Roadmap to 5G Chipsets

How Wireless Modem IP is Aiding Roadmap to 5G Chipsets
by Majeed Ahmad on 12-22-2015 at 4:00 pm

The semiconductor industry is steadily charting its course toward 5G chipsets with the availability of extremely complex system-on-chip (SoC) designs that support the surge of data traffic over next-generation wireless networks. Take Blu Wireless Technology, for instance, the IP supplier from Britain that is using the Arteris… Read More

Optimizing Quality-of-Service in a Network-on-Chip Architecture

Optimizing Quality-of-Service in a Network-on-Chip Architecture
by Tom Dillinger on 10-13-2015 at 12:00 pm

The Linley Group is well-known for their esteemed Microprocessor Report publication, now in its 28th year. Accompanying their repertoire of industry reports, TLG also sponsors regular conferences, highlighting the latest developments in processor architecture and implementation.

One of the highlights of the conference… Read More

Automating Timing Closure Using Interconnect IP, Physical Information

Automating Timing Closure Using Interconnect IP, Physical Information
by Majeed Ahmad on 04-29-2015 at 1:00 pm

Timing closure is a “tortoise” for some system-on-chip (SoC) designers just the way many digital guys call RF design a “black art”. Chip designers often tell horror stories of doing up to 20 back-end physical synthesis place & route (SP&R) iterations with each iteration taking a week or more. “Timing closure”, a largely… Read More

Arteris Flexes Networking Muscle in TI’s Multi-standard IoT Chip

Arteris Flexes Networking Muscle in TI’s Multi-standard IoT Chip
by Majeed Ahmad on 03-14-2015 at 7:00 am

Arteris Inc., a network-on-chip (NoC) interconnect IP solution provider, has joined hands with Texas Instruments Inc. to create an ultra-low-power chip that helps Internet of Things (IoT) devices go battery-less with energy harvesting and support coin cell-powered IoT operation for multiple years.

Another low-power MCU… Read More

Sonics vs Arteris Lawsuit Update!

Sonics vs Arteris Lawsuit Update!
by Daniel Nenni on 02-27-2015 at 3:00 pm

As strange as it may seem one of my hobbies is reading case law. It’s not only interesting to see what the human race is really up to, it is also good to know your rights in regards to things like defamation, especially when you are a New Media mogul like myself. Some of the funnier defamation cases are called “Twibel” as in libel on Twitter.… Read More