Webinar DFT 2025 banner mar11 (1)
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8 Key Tech Trends in a Post-COVID-19 World

8 Key Tech Trends in a Post-COVID-19 World
by Ahmed Banafa on 06-05-2020 at 10:00 am

8 Key Tech Trends in a Post COVID World

COVID-19 has demonstrated the importance of digital readiness, which allows business and people’s life to continue as usual during pandemics. Building the necessary infrastructure to support a digitized world and stay current in the latest technology will be essential for any business or country to remain competitive in a … Read More

Minimizing Power Consumption in Ultra Low Power MCU Based SoCs

Minimizing Power Consumption in Ultra Low Power MCU Based SoCs
by Tom Simon on 05-29-2020 at 6:00 am

ULP SoC Demand

When it comes to extremely power sensitive applications such as IoT and edge devices, there is literally an arsenal of power saving techniques that could be used. The tricky part is figuring out which ones to use and how to use them for maximum benefit. This is coupled with the need to not hamper device performance or functionality.… Read More

Tech Shows up for COVID-19: Time to Expand Horizons

Tech Shows up for COVID-19: Time to Expand Horizons
by Terry Daly on 05-06-2020 at 10:00 am

Covid Tech 2020

Bring digital technology solutions to bear on more of our toughest societal problems 

“We are all in this together”. The world faces 250,000 COVID-19 deaths, each a tragic human story. The pandemic will bring a litany of “lessons learned” including lack of preparedness, slow response and uneven recovery. The rapid… Read More

Linley Spring Processor Conference Kicks Off – Virtually

Linley Spring Processor Conference Kicks Off – Virtually
by Mike Gianfagna on 04-13-2020 at 10:00 am

Linley Gwennap

The popular Linley Processor Conference kicked off its spring event at 9AM Pacific on Monday, April 6, 2020. The event began with a keynote from Linley Gwennap, principal analyst and president at The Linley Group. Linley’s presentation provided a great overview of the application of AI across several markets. Almost all of the… Read More

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Sets a New Bar for Advanced Non-Volatile Memory Technology

GLOBALFOUNDRIES Sets a New Bar for Advanced Non-Volatile Memory Technology
by Mike Gianfagna on 03-02-2020 at 6:00 am

eNVM applications

Whether it’s the solid-state disk in your laptop, IoT/automotive hardware or  edge-based AI, embedded non-volatile memory (eNVM) is a critical building block for these and many other applications. The workhorse technology for this capability has typically been NOR flash (eFlash), but a problem looms as eFlash presents challenges… Read More

TinyML Makes Big Impact in Edge AI Applications

TinyML Makes Big Impact in Edge AI Applications
by Tom Simon on 02-12-2020 at 10:00 am

TimyML ECM3532 Architecture

Machine Learning (ML) has become extremely important for many computing applications, especially ones that involve interacting with the physical world. Along with this trend has come the development of many specialized ML processors for cloud and mobile applications. These chips work fine in the cloud or even in cars or phones,… Read More

Using IMUS and SENSOR FUSION to Effectively Navigate Consumer Robotics

Using IMUS and SENSOR FUSION to Effectively Navigate Consumer Robotics
by Daniel Nenni on 01-22-2020 at 10:00 am

Ceva Webinar iRobot SemiWiki

There is a live CEVA webinar coming up that you will NOT want to miss. We have been working with CEVA since 2012 and have posted 130 collaborative blogs. Those blogs have earned 927,901 views thus far and counting. The average blog on SemiWiki.com gets 5,885 views so they are ahead of the game.

One of the reasons CEVA is so popular on SemiWiki

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Ten Trends of Blockchain in 2020

Ten Trends of Blockchain in 2020
by Ahmed Banafa on 12-31-2019 at 6:00 am

Ten Trends of Blockchain in 2020

It’s clear that blockchain will revolutionize operations and processes in many industries and governments agencies if adopted, but its adoption requires time and efforts, in addition blockchain technology will stimulate people to acquire new skills, and traditional business will have to completely reconsider their processes… Read More

NXP Pushes GHz Performance in Crossover MCU

NXP Pushes GHz Performance in Crossover MCU
by Bernard Murphy on 11-20-2019 at 6:00 am

RT1170 system

I first heard about NXP crossover MCUs at the 2017 TechCon. I got another update at this year’s TechCon, this time their progress on performance and capability in this family. They’ve been ramping performance – a lot – now to a gigahertz, based on a dual-core architecture, M7 and M4. They position this as between 2 and 9X faster than… Read More

Arm Reveals Custom Instructions, Mbed Partner Governance

Arm Reveals Custom Instructions, Mbed Partner Governance
by Bernard Murphy on 10-30-2019 at 6:00 am

Tipping the scale

At TechCon Arm announced two more advances against competitive threats, one arguably tactical and the other strategic, at least in this writer’s view.  The tactical move was to add support for custom instructions, the ability to collapse multiple instructions into a single instruction through customer-added logic which hooks… Read More