Internet of Things, My Bluetooth Headset

Internet of Things, My Bluetooth Headset
by Daniel Payne on 11-20-2012 at 8:42 pm

A catchy phrase used by bloggers and journalists these days is “Internet of Things“, or IoT if you prefer acronyms. All of this is made possible by EDA tools in the hands of SoC designers to create useful products like my Jawbone ICON bluetooth headset. Tonight I discovered that I could customize my bluetooth headset… Read More

What I Learned About FPGA-based Prototyping

What I Learned About FPGA-based Prototyping
by Daniel Payne on 11-15-2012 at 8:10 pm

Today I attended an Aldec webinar about ASIC and SoC prototyping using the new HES-7 Board. This prototyping board is based on the latest Virtex-7 FPGA chips from Xilinx.

You can view the recorded webinar here, which takes about 30 minutes (should be available in a few days). I first blogged about the HES-7 two months ago, ASIC PrototypingRead More

Static Timing Analysis for Memory Characterization

Static Timing Analysis for Memory Characterization
by Daniel Payne on 11-11-2012 at 6:18 pm

Modern SoC (System On Chip) designs contain a larger number of RAM (Random Access Memory) instances, so how do you know what the speed, timing and power are for any instance? There are a couple of approaches:

  • Trust the IP supplier to give you models that use polynomial equations to curve-fit the performance numbers based
  • Read More

    Chip On Wafer On Substrate (CoWoS)

    Chip On Wafer On Substrate (CoWoS)
    by Daniel Payne on 11-03-2012 at 5:19 pm

    tsmc cowos test vehicle1

    Our EDA industry loves three letter acronyms so credit the same industry for creating a five letter acronym CoWoS. Two weeks ago TSMC announced tape-out of their first CoWoS test chip integrating with JEDEC Wide I/O mobile DRAM interface, making me interested enough to read more about it. At the recent TSMC Open Innovation Platform… Read More

    Electromigration (EM) with an Electrically-Aware IC Design Flow

    Electromigration (EM) with an Electrically-Aware IC Design Flow
    by Daniel Payne on 11-03-2012 at 4:05 pm


    Electromigration (EM) is a reliability concern for IC designers because a failure in the field could spell disaster as in lost human life or even bankruptcy for a consumer electronics company. In the old days of IC design we would follow a sequential and iterative design process of:… Read More

    Improving FPGA Prototype Debugging

    Improving FPGA Prototype Debugging
    by Daniel Payne on 10-30-2012 at 10:00 am

    FPGA Prototyping is growing in popularity as a method to get an SoC design into hardware running at clock speeds up to 100MHz or so. One downside during traditional FPGA prototyping debug is the limited number of internal signals that you can observe while trying to chase down bugs in the hardware design in the presence of running … Read More

    An AMS Reference Flow for Power Management Designs

    An AMS Reference Flow for Power Management Designs
    by Daniel Payne on 10-26-2012 at 5:42 pm

    At DAC in June I visited and blogged about 30+ EDA and Semi IP companies, however I didn’t have time to watch the TowerJazz presentation in the Cadence Theater entitled: AMS Flow for Power Management Designs. Today I watched the 26 minute video and have summarized what I learned in this blog post.… Read More

    Learning about MEMS in Israel from: EDA companies, Foundry, University, Users

    Learning about MEMS in Israel from: EDA companies, Foundry, University, Users
    by Daniel Payne on 10-23-2012 at 12:24 pm

    In April I attended and blogged about a webinar on MEMS and IC co-design hosted by two EDA companies: SoftMEMS and Tanner EDA. On October 30th you can attend a full-day event in Israel that is more comprehensive than the webinar that I attended.… Read More

    A Brief History of Aldec

    A Brief History of Aldec
    by Daniel Payne on 10-20-2012 at 5:31 pm

    Dr. Stanley Hyduke founded Aldecin 1984 and their first product was delivered in 1985, named SUSIE (Standard Universal Simulator for Improved Engineering), a gate-level, DOS-based simulator. The SUSIE simulator was priced lower than other EDA vendor tools from the big three: Daisy, Mentor and Valid (aka DMV). Aldec maintains… Read More