TSMC Versus The FabClub!

TSMC Versus The FabClub!
by Daniel Nenni on 01-23-2011 at 11:00 pm

The Common Platform Technology Forum last week was not well attended, less than half than the GlobalFoundries Conference. It was deja vu of previous CP forums but there were a couple of surprises to go with the disappointment. The lunch line was long, but fortunately I was escorted to the press lunch featuring VIP’s from Samsung,… Read More

SemiWiki Top Influencers get Android Tablets!

SemiWiki Top Influencers get Android Tablets!
by Daniel Nenni on 01-18-2011 at 5:00 am

The most impressive devices at CES this year by far were the Android tablets, I absolutely want one. It will not replace my laptop but my laptop will no longer leave the house (my laptop AC adapter weighs more than a tablet!) My iPod will be for walks and the gym, I won’t buy another digital camera, and no e-reader for me.

SemiWiki is a cloud… Read More

Aart de Geus ( Synopsys ) for Governor!

Aart de Geus ( Synopsys ) for Governor!
by Daniel Nenni on 01-17-2011 at 7:22 pm

Seriously, I would vote for Aart, he would make a great California Governor. You will probably not meet a more fiscally responsible CEO. Synopsys is one of the best run companies in Silicon Valley and was recently rated in the top 25 on social media site glassdoor.com. Aart ( SNPS ) has a 92% approval rate, Wally ( MENT ) 80%, Lip-Bu ( … Read More

Atrenta to Participate in SemiWiki.com Cloud Based Social Media Platform

Atrenta to Participate in SemiWiki.com Cloud Based Social Media Platform
by Daniel Nenni on 01-13-2011 at 8:35 am

Atrenta Inc., the leading provider of Early Design Closure® solutions to radically improve design efficiency throughout the IC design flow, announced today that it will participate in a worldwide social media platform aimed at facilitating mass communication for electronic design professionals through Web 2.0 technologies.… Read More

CES GlobalFoundries Party ( pics )

CES GlobalFoundries Party ( pics )
by Daniel Nenni on 01-11-2011 at 1:13 am

Unlike the last CES, this year I saw compelling technology, technology that will definitely drive the semiconductor industry and make the analyst fortunetellers look bad yet again. Anyone who thinks semiconductor growth next year will be in single digits is absolutely wrong, TSMC will grow even more, 20%+. First and foremost… Read More

EDA / IP Business Model Debate

EDA / IP Business Model Debate
by Daniel Nenni on 01-09-2011 at 11:39 am

First, lets review the business model transitions EDA has seen. We started with perpetual licensing which is a software license for the life of the product. EDA companies did their best to change product names to get incremental revenue above and beyond the yearly 15% maintenance fee but that is a dead end business model for a confined… Read More

The Future of Semiconductor Design!

The Future of Semiconductor Design!
by Daniel Nenni on 12-26-2010 at 10:15 pm

Is EDA still an appropriate term for what we do? What applications will drive future semiconductor design innovation? Will further consolidation be required for EDA to thrive again? They are all good questions, questions that will hopefully be properly addressed at the EDAC CEO Forecast and Industry Vision event next week but… Read More

Semiconductor and EDA Forecasts 2011 / 2012

Semiconductor and EDA Forecasts 2011 / 2012
by Daniel Nenni on 12-19-2010 at 5:25 pm

Of course these are rolling forecasts which means they change every month, until they get them right. The missing forecaster here is Mike Cowen, developer of the Cowan LRA Model which forecasts global semiconductor sales. Mike has 2011 at a hilarious 2.3%! Below are the mid year market forecasts which were revised significantlyRead More

Mentor – Cadence Merger and the Federal Trade Commission

Mentor – Cadence Merger and the Federal Trade Commission
by Daniel Nenni on 12-12-2010 at 5:33 pm

More consolidation is coming to EDA and so is the Federal Trade Commission. Corporate raider Carl Ichan owns 15% of Mentor Graphics and now owns 1% of Cadence. Ichan buddy multi billionaire George Soros, a long time CDNS investor, just purchased more than 76 million convertible notes of MENT.You do the math…

Unfortunately the FTC… Read More