Conquering the Next IoT Challenges with FPGA-Based Prototyping

Conquering the Next IoT Challenges with FPGA-Based Prototyping
by Daniel Nenni on 07-12-2015 at 12:00 pm

The need for ever-connected devices is skyrocketing. As I fiddle with my myriad of electronic devices that seem to power my life, I usually end up wishing that all of them could be interconnected and controlled through the Internet. The truth is, only a handful of my devices are able to fulfill that wish, but the need is there and developers… Read More

5 Things Chipmakers Are Missing on the IoT

5 Things Chipmakers Are Missing on the IoT
by Don Dingee on 06-07-2015 at 7:00 pm

When the RISC movement surfaced in 1982, researchers analyzed UNIX to discover what instructions multi-user code was actually using, and then designed an instruction set and execution pipeline to do that better. Fewer instructions meant fewer transistors, which led to less power consumption – although in the original… Read More

Four Reasons Why Atmel is Ready to Ride the IoT Wave

Four Reasons Why Atmel is Ready to Ride the IoT Wave
by Majeed Ahmad on 04-27-2015 at 1:00 pm

In 2014, a Goldman Sachs’ report took many people by surprise when it picked Atmel Corp. as the company best positioned to take advantage of the rising Internet of Things (IoT) tsunami. At the same time, the report omitted tech industry giants like Apple and Google from the list of companies that could make a significant impact… Read More

Coventor, Lego and IoT in Denmark

Coventor, Lego and IoT in Denmark
by Paul McLellan on 04-17-2015 at 7:00 am

Coventor were in Copenhagen Denmark a few weeks ago at the Smart Systems Integration Conference to talk about MEMS and IoT entitled (take a deep breath) Towards a Lego Block Principle for Heterogonous Systems Design Including MEMS and Electronics—Choose and Put Together Fit. Since this seems to have become IoT week for me, without… Read More

IoT Security: Your Refrigerator Attacks!

IoT Security: Your Refrigerator Attacks!
by Paul McLellan on 04-15-2015 at 7:00 am

Every time I see a presentation on IoT the forecast for the number of devices in 2020 seems to go up by a few billion. But behind the hype there are clearly going to be a large number of devices on (and even in) our bodies, our homes and cars. Not to mention in factories and workplaces. IoT devices cover a wide spectrum. Realtors like to expand… Read More

From Medical and Wearables to Big Data, in 日本語/한국어/中文

From Medical and Wearables to Big Data, in 日本語/한국어/中文
by Paul McLellan on 04-10-2015 at 7:00 am

Whether it’s a tiny always-on medical device or a secure cloud network processing Big Data, the Internet of Things (IoT) is bringing new challenges to IC design. Almost by definition an IoT device contains a microcontroller of some sort along with some way of communicating. Unlike our smartphones where we are reasonably happy … Read More

Linley Mobile Microprocessor Conference

Linley Mobile Microprocessor Conference
by Paul McLellan on 03-31-2015 at 7:00 am

As The Who sang on Who’s Next:Keep me movin’, groovin’, groovin’, yeah
Movin’, Yeah
Mobile, mobile, mobile, mobile, …

On April 22nd and 23rd the place to be moving (or movin’) to will be the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara. Because What’s Next is this year’s Linley Mobile ConferenceRead More

Getting a Grip on the Internet of Things

Getting a Grip on the Internet of Things
by Paul McLellan on 03-12-2015 at 7:00 am

QuickLogic’s CTO Tim Saxe gave a keynote Getting a Grip on the Internet of Things at the IoT Summit last week.

He started by relating how things have changed over the last 3 years when he talks to customers.

  • Three years ago it was sensor hubs in smartphones and the power budget was 3mW (so one day between re-charging, something
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IP for IoT: Thanks for the Memory

IP for IoT: Thanks for the Memory
by Paul McLellan on 03-01-2015 at 4:57 pm

The Internet of Things (IoT) is clearly the buzzword of the moment, and like many catchy phrases it also tends to mean what you want it to mean, rolling up some things that exist like the automotive market or industrial automation, along with markets for things like wearables and healthcare that are largely in the future. But however… Read More

IoT Sensor Node Designs Call for Highly Integrated Flows

IoT Sensor Node Designs Call for Highly Integrated Flows
by Tom Simon on 02-21-2015 at 7:00 pm

Applications for IoT sensors are becoming more sophisticated, especially for industrial usage. Building optimal sensors for different applications requires multi-domain design, optimization and verification flows. The sensor devices are usually MEMS, and as such have electrical properties that need to be tailored to … Read More