Bringing Prototyping to the Desktop

Bringing Prototyping to the Desktop
by Kalar Rajendiran on 05-16-2022 at 6:00 am

Corigine MimicTurbo GT Card

A few months ago, I wrote about Corigine and their MimicPro FPGA prototyping system and MimicTurbo GT card solutions. That article went into the various features and benefits of the two solutions, with the requirements for next-generation prototyping solutions as the backdrop. You can access that article here. At 250+ employees,… Read More

Power Analysis in Advanced SoCs. A Siemens EDA Perspective

Power Analysis in Advanced SoCs. A Siemens EDA Perspective
by Bernard Murphy on 02-23-2022 at 6:00 am

Power verification methods min

The success of modern battery-powered products depends as much on useful operating time between charges as on functionality. FinFET process technologies overtook earlier planar CMOS in part because they significantly reduce leakage power. But they exacerbate dynamic power consumption thanks to increased pin capacitances.… Read More

MBIST Power Creates Lurking Danger for SOCs

MBIST Power Creates Lurking Danger for SOCs
by Tom Simon on 01-25-2022 at 10:00 am

MBIST power emulation

The old phrase that the cure is worse than the disease is apropos when discussing MBIST for large SOCs where running many MBIST tests in parallel can exceed power distribution network (PDN) capabilities. Memory Built-In Self-Test (MBIST) usually runs automatically during power on events. Due to the desire to speed up test and … Read More

A Next-Generation Prototyping System for ASIC and Pre-Silicon Software Development

A Next-Generation Prototyping System for ASIC and Pre-Silicon Software Development
by Kalar Rajendiran on 12-05-2021 at 6:00 am

Corigine Prototyping Systems

Every now and then, disruptive technology is brought to market, challenging the way things have been done to that point. We are all familiar with many such technologies. The rhetorical question is, how many of us were aware, recognized and acknowledged those technologies before they became well established? For example, a startup… Read More

High-Level Synthesis and Open Source Software Algorithms

High-Level Synthesis and Open Source Software Algorithms
by Daniel Payne on 05-07-2020 at 10:00 am

hls flow min

The DVCon conference and exhibition finished up in California just as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was ramping up in March, but at least they finished the conference by altering the schedule a bit. Umesh Sisodia, CEO at CircuitSutra Technologies presented at DVCON on the topic, Using High-Level Synthesis to Migrate OpenRead More

The Quiet Giant in Verification IP and More

The Quiet Giant in Verification IP and More
by Mike Gianfagna on 04-21-2020 at 10:00 am

SmartDV Market Coverage

In the technology industry, we’re all used to the hype about the latest and greatest. Semiconductor IP participates in the over-drive news cycle from time to time as well. So, when I see a company that has real, solid credentials but has resisted the temptation to over-hype, it gets my attention. I had an experience like this recently… Read More

Virtualizing 5G Infrastructure Verification

Virtualizing 5G Infrastructure Verification
by Bernard Murphy on 10-17-2019 at 5:00 am

5G backhaul, midhaul, fronthaul

Mentor have pushed the advantages of virtualized verification in a number of domains, initially in verifying advanced networking devices supporting multiple protocols and software-defined networking (SDN), and more recently for SSD controllers, particularly in large storage systems for data centers. There are two important… Read More

Making pre-Silicon Verification Plausible for Autonomous Vehicles

Making pre-Silicon Verification Plausible for Autonomous Vehicles
by Daniel Payne on 08-20-2019 at 10:00 am

AV diagram

I love reading about the amazing progress of autonomous vehicles, like when Audi and their A8 model sedan was the first to reach Level 3 autonomy, closely followed by Tesla at Level 2, although Tesla gets way more media attention here in the US. A friend of mine bought his wife a car that offers adaptive cruise control with auto-braking,… Read More

The Implications of the Rise of AI/ML in the Cloud

The Implications of the Rise of AI/ML in the Cloud
by Randy Smith on 06-14-2019 at 10:00 am

Recently, Daniel Nenni blogged on the presentation Wally Rhines gave at #56th DAC. Daniel provided a great summary, but I want to dive into a portion of the presentation in more detail. I love Wally’s presentations, but sometimes you cannot absorb the wealth of information he provides when you initially see it. It’s… Read More

Synopsys Tackles Debug for Giga-Runs on Giga-Designs

Synopsys Tackles Debug for Giga-Runs on Giga-Designs
by Bernard Murphy on 03-12-2019 at 12:00 pm

I think Synopsys would agree that they were not an early entrant to the emulation game, but once they really got moving, they’ve been working hard to catch up and even overtake in some areas. A recent webinar highlighted work they have been doing to overcome a common challenge in this area. Being able to boot a billion-gate design, … Read More