IC Analog IC Layout 800x100
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ESD Alliance Reports Double-Digit Growth – The Hits Just Keep Coming

ESD Alliance Reports Double-Digit Growth – The Hits Just Keep Coming
by Mike Gianfagna on 10-12-2021 at 6:00 am

ESD Alliance Reports Double Digit Growth – The Hits Just Keep Coming

The latest Electronic Design Market Data report was just published. The headline announces continued substantial growth for the sector: Electronic System Design Industry Logs Double-Digit Q2 2021 Year-Over-Year Revenue Growth, ESD Alliance Reports. While not quite the record-breaking growth reported last quarter, the… Read More

Is EDA Growth Unstoppable?

Is EDA Growth Unstoppable?
by Mike Gianfagna on 07-15-2021 at 6:00 am

Is EDA Growth Unstoppable

SemiWiki has covered the Q2, Q3 and Q4 ESD Alliance quarterly revenue reports previously. The Q2 2020 report suggested that EDA had COVID immunity. The Q3 2020 report inspired an Up and to the Right comment. The Q4 2020 report  demanded a Juggernaut label.  And now the Q1 2021 report posts yet more record-breaking growth. This is … Read More

The Juggernaut Continues as ESD Alliance Reports Record Revenue Growth for Q4 2020

The Juggernaut Continues as ESD Alliance Reports Record Revenue Growth for Q4 2020
by Mike Gianfagna on 04-13-2021 at 10:00 am

The Juggernaut Continues as ESD Alliance Reports Record Revenue Growth for Q4 2020

Apologies for the slightly hyperbolic title of this post. Webster defines Juggernaut as “a massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path.”  Marvel Comic fans will recall the term also refers to a superhero nemesis. But I digress. The ESD Alliance recently announced its Q4 2020 ElectronicRead More

ESD Alliance Report for Q3 2020 Presents an Upbeat Snapshot That is Up and to the Right

ESD Alliance Report for Q3 2020 Presents an Upbeat Snapshot That is Up and to the Right
by Mike Gianfagna on 01-12-2021 at 10:00 am

ESD Alliance Report for Q3 2020 Presents an Upbeat Snapshot That is Up and to the Right

The Electronic System Design (ESD) Alliance (a SEMI Technology Community) recently released their regular report on EDA revenue for Q3, 2020 . While the report is a normal occurrence, the numbers in this particular report are anything but normal. I have been reviewing these reports for many years, and I honestly can’t remember… Read More

What’s Driving This New Wave of Semiconductor Merger Mania?

What’s Driving This New Wave of Semiconductor Merger Mania?
by Wally Rhines on 11-04-2020 at 10:00 am

Predicting Semiconductor Business Trends SemiWiki

Nvidia/ARM $40B. AMD/Xilinx $35B. Marvell/Inphi $10B. Despite the disruption of COVID, a wave of high value semiconductor acquisitions is sweeping the industry. Why? Did something happen that stimulated this consolidation? Until 2015, the industry was experiencing continuous “de-consolidation” that started in 1965. … Read More

CEO Interview: Wally Rhines of Cornami

CEO Interview: Wally Rhines of Cornami
by Daniel Nenni on 10-09-2020 at 6:00 am

Wally Dan 56thDAC

Wally Rhines is President and CEO of Cornami, Inc., a company named for its “tsunami of cores”. The company has developed a “TruStream” programming environment that generates independent executable streams of data and control. They have also designed a chip that provides the computational fabric for multi-core execution of… Read More

Wally Rhines: Mentoring Generations of Semiconductor and EDA Professionals

Wally Rhines: Mentoring Generations of Semiconductor and EDA Professionals
by Mike Gianfagna on 04-10-2020 at 10:00 am

Wally Then and Now

I had the good fortune to catch a live webinar recently that was quite compelling – Conversation with Dr. Walden Rhines: Predicting Semiconductor Business Trends After Moore’s Law! Dr. Rhines, known to most as Wally, doesn’t need much of an introduction. Any semiconductor or EDA professional knows who he is and what he’s accomplished.… Read More

A Conversation with Wally Rhines: Predicting Semiconductor Business Trends After Moore’s Law

A Conversation with Wally Rhines: Predicting Semiconductor Business Trends After Moore’s Law
by Daniel Nenni on 03-22-2020 at 10:00 am

Cover Predicting Trends

Wally Rhines is one of the most prolific speakers the semiconductor industry has ever experienced. Wally is also one of the most read bloggers on SemiWiki.com, sharing his life’s story which is captured in his first book: From Wild West to Modern Life the Semiconductor Evolution.

On April 2nd at 10am PDT we will host Wally on a live… Read More

Chapter Twelve – The Future

Chapter Twelve – The Future
by Wally Rhines on 09-27-2019 at 6:00 am

Content of this book has focused upon predictability of trends in the semiconductor industry based upon past trends, experience and ratios.  What about newly emerging applications of semiconductors?  After all, the entire history of the semiconductor industry is driven by emergence of new applications.

Artificial IntelligenceRead More

Chapter Eleven – International Semiconductor Competition

Chapter Eleven – International Semiconductor Competition
by Wally Rhines on 09-20-2019 at 6:00 am

Semiconductor industry evolution was largely a U.S. phenomenon.  While there were important contributions made by persons all over the world, the basic technology grew from the invention of the transistor at Bell Labs which was licensed broadly in the U.S.  That created a level playing field for all who wanted to become producers. … Read More