Solving and Simulating in the New Virtuoso RF Solution

Solving and Simulating in the New Virtuoso RF Solution
by Tom Simon on 10-30-2018 at 12:00 pm

Cadence has done a good job of keeping up with the needs of analog RF designs. Of course, the term RF used to be reserved for a thin slice of designs that were used specifically in RF applications. Now, it covers things like SerDes for networking chips that have to operate in the gigahertz range. Add that to the trend of combining RF and… Read More

Accelerating Design and Manufacturing at the 25th Annual IEEE Electronic Design Process Symposium

Accelerating Design and Manufacturing at the 25th Annual IEEE Electronic Design Process Symposium
by Camille Kokozaki on 09-05-2018 at 12:00 pm

25th annual IEEE Electronic Design Process Symposium
Accelerating Design and Manufacturing
September 13 & 14, 2018, SEMI, 673 S. Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035

This year marks a milestone in EDPS’s history as it turns 25. The event will be held at SEMI’s new headquarter facility and will provide a forum for EDA, foundry … Read More

Webinar: NetSpeed is about to change the way SOCs are designed

Webinar: NetSpeed is about to change the way SOCs are designed
by Tom Simon on 08-20-2018 at 12:00 pm

A large part of the effort in designing SOCs has shifted to the integration of their constituent IP blocks. Many IP blocks used in SOCs come as ready to use components and the real work has become making them work together. Network on Chip (NoC) has been a huge help in this task, handling the interconnections between blocks and planning… Read More

Living on the (IoT) Edge

Living on the (IoT) Edge
by Tom Simon on 08-09-2018 at 12:00 pm

The phrase “where the rubber meets the road” is especially apt when it comes to discussions about the Internet of Things. The obvious interpretation is that dissimilar things are being put together in a mutually dependent fashion. When I hear the phrase I always think of the things that can go wrong, such a tire sliding instead of … Read More

Netspeed and NSITEXE talk about automotive design trends at 55DAC

Netspeed and NSITEXE talk about automotive design trends at 55DAC
by Tom Simon on 08-02-2018 at 12:00 pm

DAC is where both sides of the design equation come together for discussion and learning. This is what makes attending DAC discussion panels so interesting; you are going to hear from providers of tools, methodologies and IP as well as those who need to use them to deliver working solutions. There are few places where the interplay… Read More

Billion Transistor Designs Need Faster Full Chip Tools

Billion Transistor Designs Need Faster Full Chip Tools
by Tom Simon on 06-19-2018 at 12:00 pm

During the design cycle as tape out approaches, time pressure usually goes up dramatically. To make matters worse the design itself is much larger, because all the block level work is done and there is a requirement to work with the entire database. It feels like it’s time to put aside the garden trowel and start using a steam shovel.… Read More

ISO 26262: Automotive electronics safety gets an update in 2018

ISO 26262: Automotive electronics safety gets an update in 2018
by Tom Simon on 05-02-2018 at 12:00 pm

In the field of automotive electronics, the year 2011 was a long time ago. So, it is about time that the initial ISO 26262 specification that was adopted back then gets an update. The latest version will be known as ISO26262:2018 and will expand the scope of the original to cover more types of vehicles. It will add an entire section on… Read More

Schematic porting – the key to analog design reuse

Schematic porting – the key to analog design reuse
by Tom Simon on 04-02-2018 at 12:00 pm

At the beginning of every project the one of the first questions that ought to be asked is whether there blocks from previous designs that can be reused. On the surface this seems pretty obvious. The wrinkle in this is that reusability varies a lot based on the design type and the effort that a team is willing to expend to bring a design… Read More

Edge Devices Rely on Intelligent MEMS Based Sensors

Edge Devices Rely on Intelligent MEMS Based Sensors
by Tom Simon on 03-29-2018 at 12:00 pm

MEMS sensors play a huge role in intelligent systems these days. Mobile and IoT devices would essentially be blind if not for the rich variety of MEMS sensors integrated into them. The MEMS sensor market is growing rapidly, topping $10B in 2016 and slated to exceed $20B by 2020. MEMS is also growing in the RF market, where they are providing… Read More

Unexpected Help for Simulation from Machine Learning

Unexpected Help for Simulation from Machine Learning
by Tom Simon on 02-13-2018 at 12:00 pm

I attend a lot of events on machine learning and write about it regularly. However, I learned some exciting new information about machine learning in a very surprising place recently. Every year for the last few years I have attended the HSPICE SIG dinner hosted by Synopsys in Santa Clara. This event starts with a vendor fair featuring… Read More