Semiconductor Crash Update

Semiconductor Crash Update
by Daniel Nenni on 05-12-2022 at 10:00 am

Semiconductors are Capturing Electronics

Earlier this year semiconductor oracle Malcom Penn did his 2022 forecast which I covered here: Are We Headed for a Semiconductor Crash? The big difference with this update is the black economic clouds that are looming which may again highlight Malcolm’s forecasting prowess. I spent an hour with Malcolm and company on his Zoom cast… Read More

The Semiconductor Shortage False Narrative!

The Semiconductor Shortage False Narrative!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-01-2021 at 6:00 am

Port of Oakland

The semiconductor shortage has really caught the world’s attention. Friends and family who don’t really know what a semiconductor is now ask me to explain it. This is great news for the semiconductor industry for different reasons which I will discuss here. We can also discuss the downside risks.

First, let’s look at a bit of semiconductor… Read More

Uber, Lyft Fail their COVID-19 Test

Uber, Lyft Fail their COVID-19 Test
by Roger C. Lanctot on 09-12-2021 at 6:00 am

Uber Lyft Fail their COVID 19 Test

The COVID-19 pandemic taught many lessons and revealed various weaknesses in global supply chains and business models. The transportation industry was hit particularly hard as people stopped moving thereby taking down public transit, crashing rental car companies and airlines, and erasing the fleets of ride hailing operators.… Read More

It’s not a Semiconductor Shortage It’s Demand Delirium & Poor Planning

It’s not a Semiconductor Shortage It’s Demand Delirium & Poor Planning
by Robert Maire on 04-25-2021 at 10:00 am

Biden Chip Shortage

-The semiconductor industry is not to blame its the customers
-How do you fix something that’s not really broken?
-Long taken for granted, semi’s are sexy again
-Pawns in a Political Power Play?

Its not the chip makers that screwed up. It’s the customers that stressed the system beyond breaking

The semiconductor… Read More

Chip Channel Check- Semi Shortage Spreading- Beyond autos-Will impact earnings

Chip Channel Check- Semi Shortage Spreading- Beyond autos-Will impact earnings
by Robert Maire on 03-07-2021 at 10:00 am

Robert Maire 2

– Semiconductor shortage is like toilet paper shortage in early Covid
– Panic buying, hoarding, double ordering will cause spike
– Could cause a year+ of dislocation in chip makers before ending
– Investors, Govt & Mgmt will get a wake up call from earnings hit

Auto industry is just a prominent tip Read More

“For Want of a Chip, the Auto Industry was Lost”

“For Want of a Chip, the Auto Industry was Lost”
by Robert Maire on 02-11-2021 at 10:00 am

Auto Assembly Line

Semiconductor production can’t be turned on and off like a switch

Semiconductor fabs have to run 24/7 to make money. They have to be running full all the time to fully utilize the high running costs and in the case of new fabs, high capital costs.

Unlike a brake pad factory hat can hire and fire people at will and source readily … Read More

Folding at Home. The Ultimate in Parallel Acceleration

Folding at Home. The Ultimate in Parallel Acceleration
by Bernard Murphy on 11-26-2020 at 6:00 am

COVID spike protein min

You may have heard of Folding at Home. It’s a very creative way that a bioengineering team, based at Washington University in St Louis, are modeling the process of protein folding. Greg Bowman, an associate professor of biochemistry and biophysics at the university directs the project and presented at Arm DevSummit this year. … Read More

Post Election Fallout-Let the Chips Fall / Rise Where They May

Post Election Fallout-Let the Chips Fall / Rise Where They May
by Robert Maire on 11-09-2020 at 10:00 am

US China Trade War
  • Changing US administration likely positive for chips & tech
  • Stepping back from the brink of a potential ugly trade war
  • Likely increased Covid/tech spend- War with Big Tech is over
  • Tech & Chips had a lot riding on the elections outcome

As compared to previous presidential elections, this one likely has much more impact on… Read More

EDA Appears to Have COVID Immunity – ESD Alliance Reports Strong Q2 2020

EDA Appears to Have COVID Immunity – ESD Alliance Reports Strong Q2 2020
by Daniel Nenni on 10-05-2020 at 10:00 am

EDA Appears to Have COVID Immunity – ESD Alliance Reports Strong Q2 2020

The ESD Alliance tracks revenue growth for a large number of EDA companies. Their recent report paints a positive picture in a landscape dotted with challenges and not-so-good news. The report cites 12.6% overall revenue growth for Q2 2020 vs. Q2 2019. Furthermore, the overall most recent four quarter revenue average has increased… Read More

ASML More Covid Concerns and Impact

ASML More Covid Concerns and Impact
by Robert Maire on 07-19-2020 at 6:00 am

ASML Covid
  • Covid related Revenue Rec causes rev/EPS miss
  • Sharp order drop reflects H2 industry uncertainty
  • EUV remains solid- Memory/Logic mix is better

Results were in line after correcting Covid Caused Revenue Rec issue-
ASML reported revenues of Euro3.3B and EPS of Euro1.79 as revenues from two EUV systems was not recognized, due to … Read More