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Pengwei Qian is the founder and CEO of SkillCAD, a grassroots EDA company that has amassed the most impressive customer list (60+ companies) I have experienced for a company of this size, absolutely.
Pengwei has a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and a Masters in Material Science from Fudan University and a Masters in Electronic Engineering… Read More
In September, ClioSoft gave a SemiWiki webinar titled, Reusing Your IPs & PDKs Successfully With Cadence® Virtuoso®. I was happy to be the moderator of this webinar, having had the chance to work with ClioSoft’s team over many years. The webinar was informative while also being very time efficient. I think it is important for… Read More
I recently wrote about a ClioSoft® study with Google on using cloud platforms for EDA design and the importance of using persistent storage when doing that. ClioSoft will again be sharing important information on design productivity in the upcoming webinar, Reusing Your IPs & PDKs Successfully With Cadence® Virtuoso®. … Read More
Having worked at several semiconductor intellectual property (SIP) companies, I know how important it is to have a strong design data management platform for tracking the development and distribution of SIP products. Everyone doing semiconductor design should care about design data management. But for an IP company, it is … Read More
Regular Semiwiki readers are aware of the rapid emergence of various (multi-die) advanced package technologies, such as: FOWLP (e.g., Amkor’s SWIFT, TSMC’s InFO); 2D die placement on a rigid substrate (e.g., TSMC’s CoWoS); and, 2.5D “stacked die” with vertical vias (e.g., any of the High Bandwidth Memory,… Read More
If you are designing chips in a competitive market with multiple design teams and IP reuse is a high priority then you probably already know about the ClioSoft SOS Platform. What you probably did not know however is how well they are doing with the re-architected version of their integrated design and IP management software.
We have… Read More
It will soon be 20 years since ClioSoft started its journey of selling design management software for the semiconductor industry. It was a slow start considering that designs were relatively small and only digital front-end designers had begun to realize the importance of version control and design management. With open source… Read More
I recently had the opportunity to chat with Anirudh Devgan, senior vice president and general manager at Cadence, who leads the Digital and Signoff Group. We discussed recent product development initiatives at Cadence, and talked about future EDA and semiconductor market opportunities. His insights and comments were keen … Read More
In the wake of increased global competitiveness and shorter time-to-market windows, there has been a renewed focus by design management on the underlying data management infrastructure of the design teams. An increasing number of systems-on-chip (SoCs) now have some type of analog, digital and/or RF modules, making it imperative… Read More
On July 4, 2012, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, announced that the ATLAS and CMS experiments had each observed a new particle, which is consistent with the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a general-purpose detector with a broad physics… Read More