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Mobile Unleashed Banner SemiWiki
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Intel is Killing the Environment!

Intel is Killing the Environment!
by Daniel Nenni on 10-31-2013 at 6:00 pm

 If I had to sum up opening day at ARM TechCon 2013 in one word it would be “crowded”. More than twice as many people attended as last year with 6,500 preregistered. The opening keynote was “The New Style of IT” pimping the HP Moonshot systems, but it could have just as easily been called “Why Intel Stock is Dead Money”, just my sarcastic opinion of course.

“It’s an exciting time to be in technology. The IT industry is at a major inflection point driven by four generation-defining trends: the cloud, social, Big Data, and mobile. These trends are forever changing how consumers and businesses communicate, collaborate, and access information. And to accommodate these changes, enterprises, governments and fast growing companies desperately need a “New Style of IT.” Shaping the future of IT starts with a radically different approach to how we think about compute – for example, in servers, HP has a game-changing new category that requires 80% less space, uses 89% less energy, costs 77% less – and is 97% less complex. There’s never been a better time to be part of the ecosystem and usher in the next-generation of innovation.”

The traditional Intel (cash cow) server market is now being challenged by more environmentally friendly microservers, low-power servers tailored towards tasks that require bandwidth versus raw compute power such as website traffic for the coming onslaught of the always-on Internet of Things.

“With nearly 10 billion devices connected to the internet and predictions for exponential growth, we’ve reached a point where the space, power, and cost demands of traditional technology are no longer sustainable. HP Moonshot marks the beginning of a new style of IT that will change the infrastructure economics and lay the foundation for the next 20 billion devices.” Meg Whitman, President and CEO, HP

I’m not a Meg fan since her failed bid for California Governor but I’m with her on this one. It is definitely time for a change in the server market and a drop in electricity prices would be welcome, most definitely.

If the public cloud were a country, it would rank fifth in electricity consumption. Reducing that number by even 50% would save the equivalent of the electricity consumption of the United Kingdom.

You can read more about HP Project Moonshot HERE. There are both ARM and Atom based cartridges announced for Moonshot systems but my money is on ARM. HP is asking third party developers to make cartridges and that requires an ecosystem which is ARM’s strength. Either you can buy an SoC from Intel and try and differentiate with embedded software or you can license IP from ARM, CEVA, Imagination Technologies etc… and create your own custom SoC and differentiate the heck out of your cartridge, right? Let’s check back in a year and see what the ARM to Atom cartridge ratio is. My bet is 100:1 in favor of ARM, absolutely.

More Articles by Daniel Nenni…..

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