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Who is Blogging at Cadence?

Who is Blogging at Cadence?
by Daniel Payne on 09-20-2013 at 1:31 pm

As a blogger in the EDA industry I get to write every week, however I also end up reading every blog on SemiWiki plus multiple other sites to keep current on what’s happening in our business. I thought that it would be informative to look at Cadence Design Systems and how they are using blogging to talk not just about their own EDA tools but our industry as well.

I’ve been in the EDA industry since 1986 and have been reading Richard Goeringtalk about EDA, semiconductor and foundries ever since then. In 2009 he joined Cadence and is one of the most well-known bloggers in EDA. He’s a prolific blogger and you’ll see his articles under Industry Insights, or better yet use the  RSS feed to be always updated. His latest three blogs are:

Richard Goering

Brian Fuller came to Cadence from EE Times and he blogs about the bigger-picture of EDA, semiconductors, IP and consumer electronics. Brian is also on Twitter (@bfuller9), and if you comment or reply to his tweets you’ll get an answer typically within the hour. His blog is called The Fuller View, and has an  RSS feed. Recent blogs include:

Brian Fuller

Beyond these two famous personalities there are multiple communities based upon specific topics, and this is where you start to get product-specific information to help in your SoC and electronic system design:

Low Power
Mixed-Signal Design
System Design
and Verification

Cadence IP Blog
Functional Verification
Logic Design
Digital Implementation
Custom IC Design
RF Design
PCB Design
IC Packaging and SiP Design
Manufacturability Signoff

I’m a big fan of using RSS feeds to keep me updated all in one place instead of having to manually visit a web site, and my favorite feed reader is provided by Feedly. Prior to Feedly I used the popular Googler Reader (rest in peace).

Cadence has a total of 68 people blogging about what they know and love. You’ll find out how to get better QOR (Quality of Results) in running your EDA tools, hardware emulators, or keep up to date with verification IP. There’s something for everyone.

lang: en_US

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